View Full Version : Can you speak during a Panic Attack? How long do most attacks last?

01-27-2014, 09:21 AM
Does anyone else lose their ability to speak when they are having a panic attack. I know a lot of people prefer not to speak during one because it makes the attack worse but when I try to speak, I can't. I can think during a panic attack but my mind is all over the place, kind of like a blur, and I find it hard to say an actual word out loud. Usually all I can say is "umm" or "ugh" until the panic attack is over.

My attacks are anywhere from 1-4 minutes & they come on really fast for no apparent reason (I could just be stting down reading and all of sudden one starts). Sometimes I can feel one coming on, like I start to feel funny in my body (mainly stomach area). Once it stops, I can talk again and I feel back to normal. Does anyone else have similar attacks???

I also find that taking deep breaths help stop my attacks. Does anyone else do this?

01-27-2014, 09:50 AM
I remember not being able to speak much, just the odd grumbling or grunting noise.

Most of mine lasted anywhere upto about 20 mins.

I used to count backwards from 1000 lol.

01-27-2014, 08:46 PM
what are your symptoms? i can speak during mine, but because it distracts me so much I usually end up mentioning it to someone around (if it's someone I trust) shortly after the adrenaline surge hits. PA's are different for everyone so maybe we could help more if you describe your symptoms

01-27-2014, 08:50 PM
Many people had it worse than me

My attacks lasted only 20 seconds max after a nice build up of scary thoughts

I my attacks became such an oddity because when they would come, I would almost disassociate myself from it because I would look to see if I could see my soul rising because I swore I was dying

Maybe that actually helped. Who knows

Anxiety. You silly, silly boy.

01-27-2014, 10:19 PM
what are your symptoms? i can speak during mine, but because it distracts me so much I usually end up mentioning it to someone around (if it's someone I trust) shortly after the adrenaline surge hits. PA's are different for everyone so maybe we could help more if you describe your symptoms

First I get an anxious/nervous feeling, well just a weird feeling in general, in my body & seconds later my mind scrambles, literally, it's like a bunch of thoughts that go so fast, its just a blur but I can still think during it & I can hear myself thinking. Its so hard to explain. While that happens my heart starts pounding very fast. It last anywhere from 1-4 mins. They're usually short though, no more than a minute or 2. During the entire attack I am completely aware, know my surroundings, etc. I just cannot bring myself to talk no matter how hard I try to say a word out loud it just doesnt happen. Depending on how bad they are, I usually have the urge to have a bowel movement right after (TMI, sorry!). But as soon as it stops I can speak again. I also recently discovered that taking slow deep breaths help bring the attacks to a stop. And as soon as I get that weird feeling I can say out loud I'm going to have an attack right before my brain goes haywire. This all just started for me in November a week after I quit drinking high amounts of caffeine. I always had mild anxiety but never an attack. I have been to numerous doctors & have had a ton of tests done. One dr said I'm having seizures, another dr said panic attacks. My hormones are all out of wack too. Still have not found a solution.

01-27-2014, 10:24 PM
You do lose the ability to speak during a panic attack simply because your body is trying to keep you quiet. Panic attacks are caused from a high level of anxiety. Anxiety is caused by a fear of something. Fear originates from the "fight or flight" response. Your body thinks it is in danger. Something is triggering your fear. You need to figure out what that fear is!

Thanks for the reply. That's good to know. Not being able to speak even for a minute or 2 was enough to make me think there was seriously something wrong with my brain. I dont really know what my fear is. I worry about everything so maybe its just built up anxiety?