View Full Version : Nervous/"fight/flight" feeling constantly

01-27-2014, 08:25 AM
I'm having this weird nervous feeling all the time, I can't make it stop. I haven't had a "strong" panic attack for more than a month now, but I'm feeling like I'm on the edge. Even though I can control it and end it in like 5-10 mins. I'm not scared of that son of b*tch, lol. I don't feel stressed, but I feel restless. I can't sleep because of it. My doc said that I have panic disorder, but I highly doubt that I still have it. Can it go from panic disorder to general anxiety disorder? Is it possible?

Also, anything I can do to get this "excitment" feeling to go away? It's not bothering me too much, but it's so damn irritating. I'm nervous about everything.

01-27-2014, 10:15 AM
I had a non-stop anxious/nervous feeling that made me sick to my stomach that I could not control when I was taking SSRI's (Paxil and Prozac). Do you take any medication? Or recently change mg's in your medication? For me, it's usually my general anxiety builds up so much that is causes panic attacks.

No, no medication. Yeah, I think it might be general anxiety that's trying to build up to a panic attack. I'm gonna hit the gym now and hopefully it'll be better.