View Full Version : Cracking Plastic-Like Sounds Behind Head..

02-23-2008, 04:48 AM
hello everyone!..

my caution to those anxiety sufferrers that inflict the symptoms to themselves when they see or hear them..

(this is not really that serious anyway)

starting 3 months ago.. i suffered almost 90% of the symptoms listed in "Anxiety Symptoms - The List" sticky. and im happy of recovering fast.. and my ability to realize that "its just anxiety" is still strong.. and i always think that as long as the symtoms come and go and doesn't increase.. its anxiety

last week i was(i think) better from anxiety.. like, i didnt have any fears at all(dying, goin out, heart problems, brain tumor, aneurym, MS - my fault anyway, i was surfing the net too much)..

but then it came again, the back of my eyes started aching like it were goin 2 explode and even if i close my eyes the pain still persists. now i suffer from visual disturbances from time 2 time.

and simultaneously, im on this new symptom(which im not sure if its really a part of it)..

it started with a jaw ache which lasted several hours., now, im having a cracking sound on the back of my head.. (between the 2 ear holes i think)
sometimes on my left ear.. when i open my mouth like yawning..

is this a part of it?.. i know i was clenching my jaw frequently these days.. did it come from jaw aches?..

a few days ago before this symtom.. the sound was on my neck when im waking up from an uncomfortable sleeping position..

im 17.. and yes.. it definitly ruined my teenage life.. but i still enjoy life.. :) . and i know someday were all goin to stop sufferring from this.. :)

03-04-2008, 03:23 PM
This sounds to me as if you have TMJ - this is where you clench your teeth so much and with so much pressure that your jaw ends up clicking when you try to open it.