View Full Version : Eye Issues

01-26-2014, 06:48 PM
Hello all! I've had some issues with my eyes and decided to go to the eye doc and just deal with it. Well, I went and he said my eyes were perfectly healthy and that the things I am experiencing are side effects of medication and just mention it to my GP next time I see her.

I was so proud of myself for going to the eye doctor by myself and dealing with these things.

Then, I went to my regular doctor and she said that no medication causes side effects like that and started asking all kinds of crazy things that led me to think "brain tumor!!!!" Then she said she wasn't worried. Then she said it was probably related to my anxiety, but I should be careful as I could lose some vision. Now, I'm just so confused and back to obsessing about my eyes.

I have on and off, grainy vision, sometimes see a pulsing, floaters, and flashes of light. Does anyone else experience this? And have a straight idea about what it is?


01-26-2014, 07:04 PM
Tiredness, tension, stress, eye strain... Could be something else, but I'd double down on it being one of those. Possibly from the medication. Most docs are on the payroll so don't always tell the whole truth.

The eye tests are so thorough now, they can test to see what you're having for lunch next Wednesday. Problems like tumours, diabetis, glaucoma, can all be detected via an eye test.

I've had those symptoms quite a lot. I sort of just lived with them really. Taking anxiety supplements helped a lot, I take eye supplements too.

I don't get them any more, only the odd floater if I use the ipad in the dark before bed.

You didn't say what med you're taking. Some can cause eye problems. Remeron made me see yellow flashes and have blurry vision.

I've worried about a lot in my life, but these symptoms were not one of the things I ever felt worth getting worked up about :)

01-26-2014, 07:06 PM
And way to go taking care of business and getting yourself checked out! Being proactive is great for the mind, huh!

01-26-2014, 07:21 PM
I have on and off, grainy vision, sometimes see a pulsing, floaters, and flashes of light. Does anyone else experience this? And have a straight idea about what it is?

I had it for a long time, yesterday flashes and floaters, for over two hours. I had some relaxation, and they were gone. Then eye twitching which drive me crazy, I get it when I am stressed out, which is almost always:)))

When you are on computer, keep the lights on. Keep the light on behind tv when you are watching....It helps. Relax......:))

01-26-2014, 07:28 PM
Ever since I saw Peter Griffin talking about eye floaters. I kinda have learned to embrace them.....much like Peter does

01-26-2014, 07:35 PM
I close my eyes for some time and it seems to help, with the happy thoughts of course

01-26-2014, 07:49 PM
Tiredness, tension, stress, eye strain... Could be something else, but I'd double down on it being one of those. Possibly from the medication. Most docs are on the payroll so don't always tell the whole truth.

The eye tests are so thorough now, they can test to see what you're having for lunch next Wednesday. Problems like tumours, diabetis, glaucoma, can all be detected via an eye test.

I've had those symptoms quite a lot. I sort of just lived with them really. Taking anxiety supplements helped a lot, I take eye supplements too.

I don't get them any more, only the odd floater if I use the ipad in the dark before bed.

You didn't say what med you're taking. Some can cause eye problems. Remeron made me see yellow flashes and have blurry vision.

I've worried about a lot in my life, but these symptoms were not one of the things I ever felt worth getting worked up about :)

I take prozac and lorazapam. The eye doc said the prozac was the cause of the pulsing and the "snowy" grainy vision.

My regular doctor started asking about numbness in my face and things like that (which I didn't have…. before she asked about it. of course.)

01-26-2014, 07:50 PM
Ever since I saw Peter Griffin talking about eye floaters. I kinda have learned to embrace them.....much like Peter does

I don't watch that show. What did he have to say about them?

01-26-2014, 07:54 PM
I close my eyes for some time and it seems to help, with the happy thoughts of course

Thank you, dahlia. Happy thoughts for sure. I try to remind myself that I can actually see very well even with these 'issues' Many people in my family require very strong prescriptions and I have just a slight nearsightedness. :)

01-26-2014, 07:56 PM
I take prozac and lorazapam. The eye doc said the prozac was the cause of the pulsing and the "snowy" grainy vision.

My regular doctor started asking about numbness in my face and things like that (which I didn't have…. before she asked about it. of course.)

Visual disturbances are listed as a side effect of Prozac. Add that in with some stress and you have a bad eye sight combo.

I don't know what your doctor was talking about. You can check the official pamphlet, or webMD or rx.com official side effect list, they list all the symptoms and all of those lists include possible visual problems/eye sight problems.

01-26-2014, 07:59 PM
Well, take into consideration I guess that this is the same doctor that told me my anxiety would go away when I grew up and got married. :/ I still laugh about that one.

Thanks for the help!

01-26-2014, 08:10 PM
Well, take into consideration I guess that this is the same doctor that told me my anxiety would go away when I grew up and got married. :/ I still laugh about that one.

Thanks for the help!

Lol oh really. That is a pretty funny one, a little worrying too though!

Anyways, you're welcome, hope it eases up soon for you. Treat your eyes well in the meantime, use cucumber for relaxing them, don't use computer in the dark, that sort of stuff, eat plenty of antioxidants (berries) and get plenty of good quality oils. You never can be quite sure what causes poor vision and floaters, best to try and take care of all angles :)

01-26-2014, 08:20 PM
I don't watch that show. What did he have to say about them?

I think he just punched Meg in the face

All Family Guys problems are solved by a punch to the face of Meg

01-26-2014, 08:22 PM
Vitamin E is awesome for eyes, so is carrot, and kale, I found that rubbin the ice cube around my eyes make them relax easier...

01-26-2014, 08:24 PM
If yo have issue with your eyes, you can also just open them and see what's going on

01-26-2014, 08:34 PM
Lol oh really. That is a pretty funny one, a little worrying too though!

why is that worrying? I just found it funny because I know plenty of people that are plenty grown up, plenty that are married and still have anxiety.

01-26-2014, 08:39 PM
Well not actually worrying, just ya know, kind of an idealistic thing to hear really. Bit like eat all your veggies and grow up big and strong.

If only it were true right!

01-26-2014, 08:48 PM
If yo have issue with your eyes, you can also just open them and see what's going on
you cracking me up Nixon:))

01-26-2014, 09:02 PM
Well not actually worrying, just ya know, kind of an idealistic thing to hear really. Bit like eat all your veggies and grow up big and strong.

If only it were true right!

Ah, okay. Gotcha. Yea that would be nice, I guess. :)

01-27-2014, 01:55 AM
I experience the same exact thing. I recently got off of zoloft. I went to the eye doctor yesterday and they told me I have 20/20 vision. It scares me. Hopefully we can figure out what's wrong.