View Full Version : If nots one thing, its another...

01-26-2014, 04:51 PM
Been dealing with anxiety/panic disorder for 4 months. I've gone from worrying about a heart attack to a stroke, and now I've started to really focus on how my jugular vein protrudes when I move a certain way, which then sends me back into the extreme fear of a heart attack or stroke.... I feel dumb now... Feel like I'm starting to loose it.....

01-26-2014, 05:15 PM
Is there a reason you think you are at particular risk of stroke/heart attack?

I had my first panic attack on 9/11/13. After that day I started having heart palpitations and chest pain which is where my fear for a heart attack came. Then 1/2/2014 I had another panic attack, but at the same time I felt a sharp pain on my temple which threw me into panic mode for a stroke/aneurism. Thankfully, went through tests and was cleared. Then, for no apparent reason, I took notice of how my jugular vein protrudes sometimes and I committed the mistake of "googling" what it could mean and all that, and now I'm back to the same fears of stroke/heart attack.

I am not my brain
01-26-2014, 05:35 PM
This is the same exact way panic and anxiety entered my life. I had my first panic attack while driving, and then a general anxiety accompanied me from there on out.

All the worries you are experiencing are all an illusion. There is most likely nothing wrong with you physically; your brain is just playing tricks on you. Try to ignore all the anxiety provoked thoughts, and tell yourself that you're OK (because you are). Try to avoid any medications. For me personally, if I would of avoided all meds I'd probably be in a way better place.

Only try meds as a last resort. You can recover from this, it is just going to take some work and time. Just remember that you're physically healthy, and all the worrying is the anxiety, not you.

And as the above poster stated, STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE. All you're going to do is worry yourself to death off the things you read, and it will be all for nothing.

01-26-2014, 06:35 PM
Yes, if you look online soon you'll be diagnosing yourself with rare and complicated conditions and catching "symptoms" every time your heart skips a bit or palpitates, which is completely normal for human heart. Once you get the "not you again" look from cardiologists bombarding them with terminology that the never heard off, you'll begin to realize that they may have been right after all and you're fine! So top looking online, as I graduated from "heart disease" to HIV forums and symptoms, and it was another nightmare that took a long time to recover from.

01-26-2014, 07:44 PM
Thank you all for your responses. You have no idea how much it helps.

01-26-2014, 11:50 PM
Only one concern with that protruding jugular vein. You don't live close to any vampires do you? If not, then you should be good to go. :)

01-27-2014, 12:09 AM
Been dealing with anxiety/panic disorder for 4 months. I've gone from worrying about a heart attack to a stroke, and now I've started to really focus on how my jugular vein protrudes when I move a certain way, which then sends me back into the extreme fear of a heart attack or stroke.... I feel dumb now... Feel like I'm starting to loose it.....

These are my 2main fears. It's not uncommon. Just know that u are not alone :)