View Full Version : Man this stinks!!

02-22-2008, 08:47 AM
just when i think im gettin better i come down with a chest cold again im scared i have a failin immune system!!!! and my panic attacks get worse! I Feel like im dieing am i dieing???

02-23-2008, 06:26 AM
You're not Dying.

Colds can be going around, I've caught colds twice in the same month before. Catching a chest cold sucks, but it's not deadly or anything. Remember, you just heard from the doctor that your lungs are healthy, and as far as your immune system goes, catching a couple of colds wouldn't indicate that anything is wrong.

02-23-2008, 04:13 PM
There are so many people in the world and so much air travel happening that new variants of the flu seem to pop up on a weekly basis. I was at the doctor's the other week and overheard them talking about a bug that was going around causing fever/vomiting/body aches to the point that even your teeth were sore!

So just because you get sick doesn't mean your immune system is failing. It just means someone's walked past you spreading a bug that your body has not yet encountered, and it takes a couple of days to work out how to fight it. In the meantime you get a little sick.. But you'll get over it!

Panic attacks make you feel horrible, the amount of stress hormones that get released when you panic makes you feel like it's the end of you. But think back to the last time when you weren't panicked, when dying was the last thing on your mind. I bet you felt fine then!

02-24-2008, 02:28 AM
yea i got the fly....i mean flu :P hehe......and it really sucks feel like i cant breath, i hurt all over, nose is stuffy, pretty much feel like im dying too. but its just a feeling:) we'll get better from the flu and from the anxiety:) soon enough:D

02-27-2008, 10:16 PM
I was watching the news today and they said it's been the worse flu season in awhile.

Thank goodness flu's don't last that long!

02-28-2008, 02:26 AM
Ihave a bad immune systems i pick up every cold you cold possibly catch..
In winter im sick for the full 3 months..

We cant stop colds but we can prevent them!

Warm clothes,
Hot water bottles,
Loads of vitamin c,
Cold/chest infection medication,
Chest rub!!!!

Try some preventatives even if they just relieve you for a bit..it will take away a little bit of stress for you.