View Full Version : Good Foods For Anxiety/Depression Thread

01-26-2014, 05:55 AM
Hi All,

I thought I'd start a discussion on what foods you find can lift anxiety and depression? or what works for you in making you feel better.

I'll start off.... Well for the last week and a half I've tried to eat at least 4 grams of Fiber for breakfast (I used to just eat crisps/white bread etc! healthy eh haha) :D
I've starting eating nuts like almonds that are high in fiber throughout the day too which include extra nutrients including magnesium, calcium, which I here is good for anxiety and depression.
I have now starting making up at least 4 health smoothies a week. In those I throw in a bit of everything! including Barley grass powder (high in loads of great vitamins and minerals) Flaxseed, kale. and of course frozen fruit like raspberries, winter fruits to give it a more fruity taste etc.
I am planning on some exercise which I havn't quite got around too just yet... But I have to say I am feeling less exhausted during the day and my moods seem to be less up and down and a bit more stable, before I felt like I was losing it and now I genuinely feel better. I have ordered some magnesium supplements to boost the amount I'm consuming as they say up to 80% of people don't get enough in their diet.

Would love to hear if anyone else has any foods or health tips that gives them that extra boost, or finds helps them with anxiety and depression? Thanks for reading everyone :)

01-26-2014, 06:06 AM
I'm going to tentatively state that I have been cured by Chamomile Tea (and quitting caffeine altogether). I have been through a good amount of stress since the beginning of the year (house move, new job, health scare etc) but I'm still as calm as a Hindu cow.
Additionally, I have suffered the whole range of anxiety symptoms since 2009 (you name it, I've had it.)
I've read that this does not work for everyone on the things I've read about Chamomile but for some it will work tremendously well. It takes a few days to notice a change but after a week your laughing.
I'm just a bit sad that I never tried something so simple back in 2009 and saved myself years of nonsense.

Anyhow, just my 2 pence worth.


01-26-2014, 06:34 AM
Hi Alex, Thanks for sharing. Might just give the Chamomile Tea a go then! Which type do you use? Loose, Chamomile tea bags etc? Also should it be strong as I know the tea bags can be quite mild from what I remember.

01-26-2014, 06:35 AM
I'm going to tentatively state that I have been cured by Chamomile Tea (and quitting caffeine altogether). I have been through a good amount of stress since the beginning of the year (house move, new job, health scare etc) but I'm still as calm as a Hindu cow. Additionally, I have suffered the whole range of anxiety symptoms since 2009 (you name it, I've had it.) I've read that this does not work for everyone on the things I've read about Chamomile but for some it will work tremendously well. It takes a few days to notice a change but after a week your laughing. I'm just a bit sad that I never tried something so simple back in 2009 and saved myself years of nonsense. Anyhow, just my 2 pence worth. Alex

Hello Alex I've just got some
And I've not tryed it as yet,how many cups do you have in a day?

01-26-2014, 06:37 AM
I also use lavender oils,bath foam,bath salts
And pillow spray
I also now use Epsom salts
If you have a bath try and get in to bed 15 after as your body will relax,even if your not going to sleep,I do this and watch tv and it just unwinds me

01-26-2014, 06:43 AM
It's true Em after a bath you tend to feel more relaxed. I think I might pop out today and gets some salts, never used them in the bath before but nows a better time than any :)

01-26-2014, 06:49 AM
The more packaging and unprounoucable ingredients food have - the worse they are for you. Keep it natural, organic and raw wherever possible.


01-26-2014, 06:55 AM
That's true Ed, the same goes for what's in health products too... loads of Endocrine disruptors galore :O

01-26-2014, 07:00 AM
They say bananas increase seratonin levels in the body. Not sure if it crosses the blood brain barrier though

01-26-2014, 07:22 AM
Does anyone know if green tea has helped them at all? was thinking of trying them out sometime.

01-26-2014, 07:23 AM
They say bananas increase seratonin levels in the body. Not sure if it crosses the blood brain barrier though

Hmm i've heard that too. I started eating them a couple of times a week so hope so!

01-26-2014, 08:59 AM
First thing in the morning 1 or 2 bananas, and snack on raw almonds. The blood sugar can get outta whack with starting the day with coffee, and or a donut. Cortisol is good at correct levels, thing is when anxiety is present they get too high. Do some research there if needed.

01-26-2014, 09:09 AM
When my panic attacks were really bad in highschool I went vegetarian to decrease the amount of hormones and drugs in my system due to meat consumption. It really changed my life.

01-26-2014, 12:17 PM
Hi Issy;
Im using Twinings tea bags- not sure about strength but apparently you cant drink 'too many'- that's the beauty of them really. I love the taste now, so its a win win for me. I just drink it all day now and sleep really well at night.
The hardest part is ditching the caffeine- tea or coffee was a bit of a ritual for me in the mornings, but Im used to not making lots of cups of tea. I also got some funny looks from my family (a staunch tea drinking family) when I asked if they had any camomile.

Anyway, I wouldnt go back to ordinary tea now and definately not coffee. Hope it works for you too.


01-26-2014, 12:21 PM
Hi Em;
I must admit Im a bit of a camomile junkie now; not that it has any addictive qualities, nor do I feel the need to drink it- I just love the taste!
Some days I drink seven to ten cups (but that's largely due to drinking it at work in place of tea), and Ill have a cup before work and several after. Its so refreshing.
It takes a couple of days to get into the habit of acquiring the taste, but you'll soon forget traditional teas. Im saving a fortune on milk and sugar (since you dont use it with camomile).
Try it, let me know how you get on.


01-26-2014, 01:12 PM
Hi Em; I must admit Im a bit of a camomile junkie now; not that it has any addictive qualities, nor do I feel the need to drink it- I just love the taste! Some days I drink seven to ten cups (but that's largely due to drinking it at work in place of tea), and Ill have a cup before work and several after. Its so refreshing. It takes a couple of days to get into the habit of acquiring the taste, but you'll soon forget traditional teas. Im saving a fortune on milk and sugar (since you dont use it with camomile). Try it, let me know how you get on. Alex

Yes I will :)
I will have to kick this cold first as I can't taste nothing at the moment lol

01-26-2014, 01:49 PM
Hi Issy;
Im using Twinings tea bags- not sure about strength but apparently you cant drink 'too many'- that's the beauty of them really. I love the taste now, so its a win win for me. I just drink it all day now and sleep really well at night.
The hardest part is ditching the caffeine- tea or coffee was a bit of a ritual for me in the mornings, but Im used to not making lots of cups of tea. I also got some funny looks from my family (a staunch tea drinking family) when I asked if they had any camomile.

Anyway, I wouldnt go back to ordinary tea now and definately not coffee. Hope it works for you too.


Thanks for the info Alex :) I'm on the hunt for some tomorrow for sure, and being that it's caffeine free that's a bonus! lol@ staunch tea drinking family, know what you mean mine are too :D Will keep you updated on how I get on. Thanks again!

01-27-2014, 09:55 AM
Does anyone recommend tablet form magnesium or liquid magnesium? Want to see if it helps with anxiety... but not sure which form or what the best brand is.

01-27-2014, 09:59 AM
Magnesium Chloride, liquid if you can find it. GNC has it online. I take slo mag from wal mart. Liquid is best from what I hear. I also do not drink pasteurized milks, full of antibiotics, and monkey pus. I will drink milk straight out of the utter of a grass fed cow, with no intereference of gmo's or antibiotics from the Mennonites. Lately I am loving almond milk. NO soy, etc. Peace

01-27-2014, 12:07 PM
For breakfast, oatmeal and a cup of tea. I've done this for over a year. One morning, I went out with a friend and had a scone (sugar and fat) and coffee. Panic attack half an hour later.

Food absolutely affects your anxiety. I'd say eat just as healthy as possible. Greens and lean proteins. :)

01-28-2014, 04:04 AM
Magnesium Chloride, liquid if you can find it. GNC has it online. I take slo mag from wal mart. Liquid is best from what I hear. I also do not drink pasteurized milks, full of antibiotics, and monkey pus. I will drink milk straight out of the utter of a grass fed cow, with no intereference of gmo's or antibiotics from the Mennonites. Lately I am loving almond milk. NO soy, etc. Peace

Thanks Gene, well I've have pretty much cut down on cows milk and I hardly eat any meats. I have been drinking soy milk though, is that ok to drink?? I have noticed and not sure if it's due to the soy milk or not but my joints are a lot stiffer and achy... love almond milk also! Thanks for the info on the magnesium I think I'll get the liquid then, plus hate swallowing tables!

01-28-2014, 04:06 AM
For breakfast, oatmeal and a cup of tea. I've done this for over a year. One morning, I went out with a friend and had a scone (sugar and fat) and coffee. Panic attack half an hour later.

Food absolutely affects your anxiety. I'd say eat just as healthy as possible. Greens and lean proteins. :)

True JLK food can definitely be connected to anxiety. I'm the same if I eat refined carbs all day I feel damn awful and it effects my mood big time.

01-28-2014, 07:47 AM
Thanks Gene, well I've have pretty much cut down on cows milk and I hardly eat any meats. I have been drinking soy milk though, is that ok to drink?? I have noticed and not sure if it's due to the soy milk or not but my joints are a lot stiffer and achy... love almond milk also! Thanks for the info on the magnesium I think I'll get the liquid then, plus hate swallowing tables!

Here is my regimen. Magnesium Chloride (Slo Mag, on empty stomach) Bananas (2), Vitamin D3, cranberry supplement, Omega 3 fish oil (twice daily), one glass of almond milk, fresh

crunchy almonds, or protein. Dark chocolate in evening, I eat no pork products, fresh meats, deer, as well as frozen crap hamburger. LOL

drink coffee, I also drink 2 gallons of water a day. I'm 6'4 and 225 lbs. quite handsome and anxious at times, but confident more than not. blah blah blah. LOL! My wife tells me

so. :D

01-28-2014, 11:37 AM
I find that bananas help me so much! I don't know if its a placebo effect or not but as long as they help calm me I don't care! Lol! Definetly going to add some of the camomile tea too!

01-28-2014, 12:04 PM
I find that bananas help me so much! I don't know if its a placebo effect or not but as long as they help calm me I don't care! Lol! Definetly going to add some of the camomile tea too!

I like bananas too.

I get a similar effect. I've never looked into whether or not the serotonin boosting effects of bananas is legit or not, but I take one for a run with me. A nice stress busting run, followed by banana and tea. That's enough to keep the worst of my anxieties at bay :D

01-28-2014, 12:06 PM
Here is my regimen. Magnesium Chloride (Slo Mag, on empty stomach) Bananas (2), Vitamin D3, cranberry supplement, Omega 3 fish oil (twice daily), one glass of almond milk, fresh

crunchy almonds, or protein. Dark chocolate in evening, I eat no pork products, fresh meats, deer, as well as frozen crap hamburger. LOL

drink coffee, I also drink 2 gallons of water a day. I'm 6'4 and 225 lbs. quite handsome and anxious at times, but confident more than not. blah blah blah. LOL! My wife tells me

so. :D

Lol classic post.

01-28-2014, 01:00 PM
LOL Yes Jesse I am at it again. Hope you're doing well friend. Peace:D