View Full Version : the full story with my vision problems, and a few questions i need answered

01-26-2014, 03:47 AM
okay so i just posted a quick thread and im sorry for posting again but i'd feel better if i explained my entire story since ive already tried posting it a few times without success, even if it is a little embarrassing

allllright so, long story as short as i can possibly make it

i went to a new years eve party and smoked marijuana for the first time in a few years, so did a friend of mine.
halfway through the party friend starts greening out and panicking- something about losing control. he hits a cabinet hard because he couldn't feel his hand or something. this brings back flashbacks of my violent brother and well it resulted in one of the worst panic attacks ive ever had

i was ok after calming down thanks to another guy at the party, except for having to be stuck with the very person that scared me half to death for the remainder of the night
the days following afterward i thought i was going to die and had on-and-off panic attacks and constant panic symptoms for the next week until i finally cracked and asked my dad to take me to the hospital
the ER doctor told me the marijuana should be out of my system by then, and it was just the new antidepressants i was on heightening my anxiety (which is something that happens with lexapro apparently until it starts helping you out? i'm not sure) and since i had only been on my lexapro for a few days, he told me to stop taking it because i was having such a bad reaction to it, prescribed me xanax and sent me on my way
i was fine after i took the first xanax tablet

nooow here's where i did an incredibly stupid thing

i'd been having some problems with my partner and i decided to smoke marijuana again with a couple of friends i trusted more in order to clear my head and relax a little
the night went fine- no panic attacks, the three of us just kinda chilled

but, the days following my anxiety started to spike again- to the point where its effecting my vision
it's been almost three weeks and i feel like i can't focus my eyes enough, i can only focus on one object at a time and it makes me feel really out of it and scatterbrained
like im not all there anymore
my xanax doesn't help my vision- it does keep me calm though because panic attacks or just worrying in general tend to make it much worse

i went to the eye doctor a few days ago and he told me that im seeing 20/20 with my glasses on and my eyes look perfectly healthy (also gave me that 'youre nuts' look- lovely guy, really.)

okay so now that my situation is explained, i have a few questions, be gentle pls

1. i have my first meeting with a psychiatrist on february 4th, can i tell her that i smoked marijuana without her telling the police? (that sounds childish i'm sorry, just scared)

2. can i tell my regular doctor that i smoked marijuana without them speaking with the police or my dad? (i'm 18, but i'd hate to see him disappointed- he's a really nice guy)

3. is this kind of vision distortion normal? i've done tons of internet research but nothing really solid comes up

4. what is the best way to help this vision problem?

5. will i get better?

6. is my anxiety even marijuana related anymore?

also i'd like to say that i'm not someone who regularly smokes, like i stated above this is the most ive done it in two years, and it's not something im going to continue doing

thanks for reading guys, i appreciate it!

01-26-2014, 08:17 AM
The docs won't share data with the police. Unless a very serious crime is involved.
Anxiety can cause many symptoms. They will likely go away as anxiety is brought under control.
It seems pot does not agree with your system so stay way IMHO.
The pot is out of your system and some anxiety might have been there all along. Happened to me too and I can't be around pot. Makes me anxious or allows anxiety to surface.....either way no pot for me ever. Lesson learned. Alankay.

01-27-2014, 12:34 AM
The docs won't share data with the police. Unless a very serious crime is involved.
Anxiety can cause many symptoms. They will likely go away as anxiety is brought under control.
It seems pot does not agree with your system so stay way IMHO.
The pot is out of your system and some anxiety might have been there all along. Happened to me too and I can't be around pot. Makes me anxious or allows anxiety to surface.....either way no pot for me ever. Lesson learned. Alankay.

phew, i definitely do any serious crimes so no problems there
thank you for the reassurance! trust me my lesson has been learned as well, no more pot for me either, im definitely staying away

01-27-2014, 12:50 AM
The doc or physc doctor cannot share data. There's a hipa and it's not allowed unless another individual is involved and of course a child. Trust me doc and physc people deal with people who do a lot worse then that. That's becoming so common these days that it's almost legal in some states in the US

01-27-2014, 01:26 AM
People have reported that smoking marijuana led to their first anxiety attacks.

01-27-2014, 02:00 AM
The doc or physc doctor cannot share data. There's a hipa and it's not allowed unless another individual is involved and of course a child. Trust me doc and physc people deal with people who do a lot worse then that. That's becoming so common these days that it's almost legal in some states in the US

alright, yeah i'd imagine so and i suppose it wouldn't make much sense if people who do much worse and come to their doctor seeking rehabilitation just get thrown in jail, i suppose im just being overly paranoid
nothing serious was involved, so theres definitely no problems there
thank you though!

01-27-2014, 02:02 AM
People have reported that smoking marijuana led to their first anxiety attacks.

i think that might be what happened- i mean i've had my share of panic attacks beforehand but nothing that awful