View Full Version : Anxiety worse after poor nights sleep?

01-26-2014, 03:40 AM
Hey Guys,

So, things seemed to be going pretty well most of this week. I decided to stay away from the forums to keep my mind off anxiety altogether. I got on top of a lot of things & have continued to stay on top of things mostly. I've not being particularly stressed in general or worried about my health & I've been back in the gym. Great!

However, I still haven't been sleeping all that well but last night was bad. It's not so much that I kept waking up (which I do) but that I woke up at 6am & I felt wide awake & the minutes were passing like hours. I didn't want to get up because it was too early but I couldn't sleep or even doze. I eventually got up just before 7 & I feel like I'm back to square one.

Does anyone else find that their anxiety is much worse after nights that they don't sleep well? I really don't feel refreshed this morning, I've got bad brain fog & I'm really irritable on top of my anxiety which has appeared back. I really don't feel in the mood to do anything - doesn't help it's a horrible day outside!

I'm really not sure what can be done to stop me a) waking up so often & b) being unable to get back to sleep after waking up early. The first Doctor I brought it up with was useless & just said "it's normal". BS. The Doctor I saw last week about my anxiety didn't really say much but I think he was wanting me to go away, stop worrying, get on top of things & it'd probably resolve itself. Despite being back in the gym & feeling good until today, it still hasn't helped. I've probably been getting 6-7 of acceptable, if interrupted, sleep a night over the past 2 months. Technically, it should be enough but I usually feel best when I get 9 hours.

I don't know if it's anxiety that is causing the poor sleep or if it is something else. It doesn't help that I always wake up needing the toilet - occasionally if I've had a salty meal & alcohol, I might sleep for 5 hours straight but I tend to wake up anywhere between 12-3. Then I start waking up hourly & sometimes have trouble getting back to sleep. I'm quite sure if I went back to 8-9 hours of sleep only waking up 1-2 times through the night, I'd be in a much better state of mind. It's really frustrating.


01-26-2014, 01:21 PM
For some reason i haven't been sleeping well either:/ and last night i got none and i'm so tired! I find that when i'm tired my anxiety gets a little worse and i'm always moody constantly till i get a good sleep :/ x