View Full Version : Quitting dip/hypochondria

01-26-2014, 02:53 AM

I did dip (for those of you from the UK etc who may not know it's tobacco you put between your gum and lip) for about 4 months. I worked as a security sergeant and the 70 hours a week were getting to me, and being around cops and military veterans who became security officers I supervised, dip was pretty much all over the place where I worked. Long story short I started doing it and it got me through those awfully long shifts, and I intended to stop when I resigned since I was not really even addicted. In october, I noticed gum recession and, confused and upset that it happened so soon, stopped immediately.

This triggered my anxiety from october until now. I have had one dip since then, which was last week because my roommate baseball player guilt tripped me. From that one dip alone my gums hurt in that spot, which i assume is from not having done it in awhile, and now I'm going crazy looking up oral cancer and how long it takes to get it from dipping. I had a cleaning and xrays done back in november and my dentist didn't really seem concerned, but i'm still going crazy. Dry mouth, constantly looking for sores(any little mark in my mouth is a sore in my mind), brushing my teeth very hard (which is actually hurting my gums more) etc. I know dipping is stupid but I just thought as long as I wasn't addicted I would be fine to do it for just that few month span.

Does anybody know about cancer and dipping? Like how long it could take? I went through about a tin a week, usually buying pouches but every 2 or 3 I would buy long cut. I am completely off it forever but my hypochondria sneaks up on me at the worst times and I can't get it out of my head.

01-26-2014, 04:08 AM
Hello there I don't think that you have cancer,I know so many people
That have smoked for years and not
Got any cancers,so please try not to worry or if you can't then go and talk to your doctor and I'm sure they will put your mind at rest,your mouth is sore from the use of this I'm sure it's not cancer