View Full Version : using alcohol for anexity attacks

02-21-2008, 10:13 PM
anxiety attacks creep up on me like a migraine or something. im having one now and its the most messed up feeling ever and it is truly hell. anyone experiment with alcohol when they get one? im doing that right now also, lol.

02-21-2008, 11:19 PM
Using alcohol to mask your problems? Hmm doesn't sound like the best idea. Go to your doctor. Anxiety SUCKS, I know, trust me, but alcohol is no good. It can mess up your liver BAD and at least with me I get anxiety frequently so to be hammered that much would lead to pretty serious problems. Try to get .25mg Xanax. Thats what I take and it barely sedates me at all, it's a TINY dose, but it makes my anxiety attacks stop almost immediatly.

Hope it helps

02-22-2008, 12:14 AM
thanks for your reply but i think thats exactly the same thing. alcohol, xanax, they both mask a problem. The anxiety i get is relentless & brutal, it gets to the point where i want to bang my head against the wall until i knock myself out to escape from it.

it has been about 2 hours from my last post and i drank a bottle of whine and feel much better. you have to understand that anything is not as bad as total and hysterical fear, borderline madness, even cirrhosis of the liver which i am nowhere NEAR going twords.

02-22-2008, 01:05 AM
You are lucky then. I cant even take herbal medcine made with alchole as I am super sensitive and it causes a panic attack. I dont think alchole is such a good idea. Good luck I hope you feel beter.

02-22-2008, 05:36 AM
Alcohol makes anxiety worse as it messes with the receptors in your brain that are causing your anxiety in the first place. When you come down from the alcohol your will feel more anxious.

Detox followed by suitable herbal alternatives are a start, but you need to address what is causing your anxiety otherwise you are just fighting a constant battle to numb the symptoms.