View Full Version : OCD sufferer - Vyvanse and Adderall only drugs that help me focus

01-25-2014, 05:52 PM
Hello, I'm a 41 y.o. man and suffer from what most closely resembles OCD. I have taken almost all of the "major" SSRI's over the last 13ish years with marginal results - before this I didn't take meds.

The SSRI's, I have figured out, seem to help with depression but not anxiety and not the obsessive thinking. The only reason I suspect they do anything at all is that in the distant past when I've come off of them, I've felt depressed. In 2011 I was on a mission to get professional help. I went thru a minimum of 5 psychol's before one of them referred me to a Dr. who specializes in OCD. 3 months and and empty wallet later, I wasn't helped at all for all practical purposes.

My history in school would indicate the possibility, at the very least, that I have ADD. I didn't pay attention in class and generally just got by for the most part. By the time I was in high school I took some remedial courses (the "special" classes, they were labeled "Resource" classes WTF that means). By my senior year in HS I believe I only stuck w/the "resource" classes in math.

I was 17 when I started having OCD-like symptoms and by the time I got to college I was having some textbook symptoms. Incidentally, I was able to get through a Bachelor's degree, but it wasn't easy.

That's the abridged/plenty missing history. So on to Vyvanse - this med has given me consistent relief from OCD - in frequency of obsessions and compulsions and perhaps consequently from these factors alone, gives me much more ability to focus. Most literature, "stuff" in general indicates, generally, stims are contraindicated for those with anxiety disorders; this is most definitely NOT the case for me. I spoke to my shrink about getting adderall - it's much cheaper (I've tried that too) - but he cited the concern that it could make me MORE anxious. I alluded to my taking some in the past and doing fine, but I didn't want to give the impression that I was taking unprescribed meds too willy-nilly. He advised I should see a psychologist who specializes in ADD/testing.

My fiancee has given me the Vyvanse on occasion off and on (emphasis on "off") over the last 8 months.

I definitely have never had hyperactivity, so if I do indeed have ADD, it would be JUST that. Anyway, I wanted to share this because I feel like I have done so much "by the book stuff" and found no relief. In 24 years, only an amphetamine has given me the focus and ability to redirect myself from spending too much time obsessing. I don't think this is the answer for most, but I thought I would throw it out there. I realize this is not the answer for most who have anxiety. Feel free to share thoughts.

Lee Grant Irons
01-25-2014, 07:25 PM
Hello RWD, :)

Thanks for sharing. Glad you have found some relief

01-26-2014, 01:23 PM
I always have feelings that i might have OCD.. But i'm not 100% sure of what kind of stuff you do when you have ocd :/

Lee Grant Irons
01-26-2014, 09:41 PM
I always have feelings that i might have OCD.. But i'm not 100% sure of what kind of stuff you do when you have ocd :/

You do the same thing or things over and over. I think we all can have this tendency to some degree, so things like rechecking your pocket to make sure you have your house key before you lock and shut the door is not OCD. However, not being able to leave the house because you keep having to check over and over and over to make sure your key i in your pocket would be OCD. Essentially, it is obsessive if it gets in the way of your living.

01-27-2014, 05:16 AM
OCD has wide ranging symptoms. I would recommend reading up on it. Googling "OCD" would be a good start. Too many specific symptoms to list all, but it can range from counting unnecessarily and compulsively, germ obsessions or having thoughts that disturb you. In the beginning, when I had more classic OCD symptoms, I thought I was going crazy, and that I might be dangerous =>) It turns out it was just anxiety that's incredibly distracting and life-sucking. Over the years my symptoms have had an OCD "quality", but I've read a lot about OCD and a lot of my symptoms are a bit "outside the box".

And Lee - thanks for the well wishes.

01-27-2014, 06:11 AM
I found a really good book on OCD and bad thoughts it's called the imp of the mind if anyone is interested :)