View Full Version : Heart beating fast, help!

01-25-2014, 05:11 PM
Hi everyone, I'm freaking out right now. I've been working out and I haven't been sleeping well, which made me very tired. But my heart is beating very fast, even though I'm not having a panic attack. Although I'm getting one every time I feel my heart and my heart beats even more.

BPM while resting is around 60. While doing something, like taking a walk, I'm around 80. It's now around 100 and I don't even know why. Is it because I'm very tired? Or is it something wrong with my heart? ugh. I've seen my doc and apparently nothing is wrong. Should I be worried anyways? Any tips on what to do to lower my heart rate?


01-25-2014, 05:19 PM
This seriously happens to me every night, heart racing for what seems like NO reason! I understand how nerve wracking and frustrating it can be, something that makes me feel better and slow down my heart a little is to lay flat on my back with my hands folded on my stomach and take in a really deep breath with my nose and then slowly breathe out through my mouth.. If you do it for a few minutes it calms you down. Hope it works for you, and even though it may not seem it- you will be fine :)

Lord Jazzinho
01-25-2014, 05:20 PM
Hi everyone, I'm freaking out right now. I've been working out and I haven't been sleeping well, which made me very tired. But my heart is beating very fast, even though I'm not having a panic attack. Although I'm getting one every time I feel my heart and my heart beats even more.

BPM while resting is around 60. While doing something, like taking a walk, I'm around 80. It's now around 100 and I don't even know why. Is it because I'm very tired? Or is it something wrong with my heart? ugh. I've seen my doc and apparently nothing is wrong. Should I be worried anyways? Any tips on what to do to lower my heart rate?


Take deep breaths, stop thinking about it, If you can't sleep then let that go and put the tele on for an hour get yourself a warm drink and do something monotonous like knitting, playing solitaire etc I used to roll cigarettes but something like that. This should at least calm you and will probably empty your mind as well.

01-25-2014, 05:31 PM
The only natural way to reduce the bpm is to stop worrying about it. (Easier said than done).

I have just been on a thread similar in nature to this.

100 bpm isn't anything to worry about (it's quite normal if you are anxious).

If your doc has checked you out, then trust this, if there was cause for concern you would have been referred back for tests.

I feel as if I can't control it. It just keep on pounding and pounding. Also, I f*cking hate google atm. Someone said that it's dangerous if the heart is working hard for more than 24 hours. Is this true? It makes me panic even mooore. Ugh. I'm 18 yrs old btw.

01-25-2014, 05:36 PM
This seriously happens to me every night, heart racing for what seems like NO reason! I understand how nerve wracking and frustrating it can be, something that makes me feel better and slow down my heart a little is to lay flat on my back with my hands folded on my stomach and take in a really deep breath with my nose and then slowly breathe out through my mouth.. If you do it for a few minutes it calms you down. Hope it works for you, and even though it may not seem it- you will be fine :)

You have no idea how relieving it is to hear that I'm not alone with this horrible feeling. But why is this happening? I'm not even thinking about it, it comes from nowhere. My bpm was around 100 for 6 hours. Is it dangerous or not?? :/

01-25-2014, 06:03 PM
Hi everyone, I'm freaking out right now. I've been working out and I haven't been sleeping well, which made me very tired. But my heart is beating very fast, even though I'm not having a panic attack. Although I'm getting one every time I feel my heart and my heart beats even more. BPM while resting is around 60. While doing something, like taking a walk, I'm around 80. It's now around 100 and I don't even know why. Is it because I'm very tired? Or is it something wrong with my heart? ugh. I've seen my doc and apparently nothing is wrong. Should I be worried anyways? Any tips on what to do to lower my heart rate? I CANT SLEEP DAMNIT!! :(

Hi Don't worry it's all normal sometimes your excited or maybe had chocolate so it will speed up, just relax and try not to think about the more you think of it the faster it will beat are mind plays major tricks on are body .

Lord Jazzinho
01-25-2014, 06:04 PM
Plus you Said in your original post your resting rate is normally 60 bpm which is PERFECT!

Your raised rate of 100 for several hours/days in response to panic/anxiety is also PERFECTLY NORMAL

You are 18 you have a NORMAL chance of living at least another 60 years! Don't waste them worrying!!

BPM is your pulse right, which can fluctuate a lot I'm 32 and in renal failure believe me Blood Pressure is far more important

Lord Jazzinho
01-25-2014, 06:19 PM

Sorry to hear that Lord J. Are you a candidate for transplant?

I don't know weather I want one yet as part of the treatment I was on before the they failed I had to take some of the anti rejection drugs and they were horrid, a couple of hours dialysis every other day is preferable to me. But anyway believe it or not kidney failure was a good thing for me it gave me the perspective I need to to get over the anxiety.

Lord Jazzinho
01-25-2014, 06:43 PM
Wow! Great that you can channel it into a positive!

Thats the answer friend You have be a positivity succubus!!

01-26-2014, 07:37 AM
Just remember it feeds off of itself. If you let your mind continue to focus on it, the higher it will go. I have the same issue when I check my blood pressure. I know through interaction my bp is good but when think about taking it and the fear of it being high, makes it high. Try to focus on something else and ignore it. A good example is like when you were a kid and your parents insisted on you going to sleep yet you were stubborn and decided you were going to stay up all night, more likely than not you were asleep before you could even realize it.

01-26-2014, 11:21 AM
You have no idea how relieving it is to hear that I'm not alone with this horrible feeling. But why is this happening? I'm not even thinking about it, it comes from nowhere. My bpm was around 100 for 6 hours. Is it dangerous or not?? :/
Mine was the same way. Out of no where when I wasn't even thinking about it. It lasted for almost 3 days straight, it was horrible. But I woke up this morning- and it's fine now! I know it sucks but sometimes you just have to wait :( it'll get better. I promise.