View Full Version : Are you a HSP?

01-25-2014, 03:39 PM
For a while now I've been wondering if my anxiety is worse because I'm a VERY HSP (person), because i am very sure it plays a big part in my life. I want to know if there's any other HSP people around here, because between having anxiety and being HSP, i expect a high significance.

For those who do not know, I'd like to briefly explain what HSP is and what it stands for, although I'm sure many of you already know what it is. HSP stands for a high sensitive person. If you're a HSP, like the name suggests, you are more sensitive to emotions. Apart from this, and the most important part for me at least, you sort of feel the environment and the people around you. You notice if there's tension between people around you (and it could make you uncomfortable), you notice the smallest flickering in the lights when you turn on another electric product, you hear that small sudden sound that nobody else heard. You basically notice everything that happens around you to the smallest detail. You are very sensitive to even the smallest subtle stimuli.

To me this explained a lot. It explained to me why I can typ a story on my computer while listening to my parents. Or I can have a conversation with one of my friends while overhearing another conversation and being able to remember both stories. Or why nobody on my job notices the small flickering of light when the elevator goes up, except me.

Now this also means it affects my anxiety. The other day I was with some friends at a bar (yeah, I went there, and I only sweated a little about it! :D), but once there, I saw the smallest change in light when the barman accidentally slided past the light button. I immideately noticed the lights, and asked my friends if they noticed. They all said they didn't, but of course it set my body in such a state of anxiety already because what could be wrong with it? It couldn't be an electric failure could it? It couldn't start a fire... Nah it can't... That would be bad... You know, with the only one exit being kinda blocked with people standing there... <thoughts racing> until the barman overheard us and said yeah I walked past the light button. He was surprised I even noticed...

Now I'm sure anxiety plays a role that this stuff stays with me, but I'm very sure HSP played a role in my life even before anxiety. I'd love to hear if other people have HSP and I would hope you'd read a bit about it on the web if my story confuses you because I'm very sure I'm not the only one where who has it.

Sorry for the long post and I hope I hear of other people about it and their experiences! It's really not a very bad thing, I wouldnt want it away from me, it's just very tiring ;)


01-25-2014, 03:44 PM
Yes...I could see, sense, feel you and your emotions through here if I wanted too..HSP/Empath...I have blocked, shielded most all of it because it would affect me like it used too. It made my anxiety 10 times worse. I'm fine now.

Read about empathy and or empaths.. :)


01-25-2014, 03:48 PM
Yeah E-man, it does make anxiety a lot worse for me too! It's so hard to notice EVERYTHING around you lol. But I do also think it has some advantages though... Lots of times I helped people remember about stuff they said even though they never thought I'd hear them because I was doing something else. Once, a few years before my anxiety even kicked in, I helped an elderly couple because I noticed this really soft beep when I was cycling with some friends. I told them to stop because I heard a beep coming from a house, and when they all thought I was crazy, we actually checked and upon getting closer to the house, heard the fire alarm going off in an elderly couples home while they were away. They left their pan on the fire.

01-25-2014, 03:56 PM
Have you ever taken any of the test to see your degree of empathy? It's pretty cool stuff to read about. I believe that there was at least 10 "special" things that empaths are able to do although I can't and have not seen nor acheived all 10, only 8.. Lemme see if I can find the test on here...:)

01-25-2014, 03:59 PM
I am a Healer/Protector/Gaurdian..Just not sure how many different types or classes of Empaths there are. Now you're gonna get me all into it again!!! I learned this in 2012!!...OH NO!!!...LOL!


01-25-2014, 04:00 PM
Oh, no I haven't! It was just pointed out to me by a therapist that I might have it pretty severely and later I looked it up on the Internet and that does describe me perfectly! I hope you can find the test would like to try it :)

01-25-2014, 04:45 PM
I had a past therapist tell me I was hsp. I read the book and very much feel that this is part of my anxiety. It's also played a big role in helping me understand and cope as well.

01-25-2014, 04:47 PM
And now I'm taking an online test to find out if I'm a hsp. It would explain so much...