View Full Version : Darn Antibiotics

Kaylee Quinlan
01-25-2014, 02:29 PM
Well, I seemed to have been getting my anxiety under control...until bam!!! I start getting alot of gum pain in my mouth. So, I visit the dentist and he fixes my tooth. A few days later...still have the face pain in my cheek (no teeth pain, just my cheek), so I go to the ER. ER doc puts me on clyndamycin. I have had allergic reactions to 2 other antibiotics so not only am I freaked out about taking them, I read that this specific antibiotic can cause a potentially life threatening diahrrea. Now I feel like every itch I get, I will run to the doctor because im scared of an allergic reaction. I have also pretty much convinced myself that I will get that C diff from the antibiotic. Does anyone know anything about Clyndamycin and if I should get a 2nd opinion on the type of antibiotic?Has anyone ever had this much anxiety over medication?

01-25-2014, 02:56 PM
A reaction to a medication usually occurs within a couple of hours of ingestion. From then on it's often the usual - bit of tummy upset, slightly looser stools etc. Make sure you have a probiotic yogurt each day and keep hydrated. other than that you have to let the drug do it's work. I'm on a 4 week course of Ofloxacin and a few weeks into it I stupidly read about the side effects. It doesn't do you any good to worry about what if's. If you have taken the tablet(s) already today and you're ok (apart from feeling anxious) then you won't be allergic to these meds.


01-25-2014, 03:07 PM
Can anitibiotics cause high heart rate

01-25-2014, 04:10 PM
Well, they are widely known to cause yeast infections..lmao

and the last time I was on them, my period was waaay off.. I had a super heavy period not long after I finished with the antibiotics, then like a month or more I didn't get it at all. It messed up my circadian rhythm a bit, but that's been the only experience I've had with them.

On the subject of your tooth, it's normal to have pain afterwards for days or a week.. not that you shouldn't be concerned of potential infections..but I personally would have just gone the route of taking like 3 advils (if needed) and just let it heal, rather than go to the hospital to get antibiotics.. but, only you know how much pain you're in, so I couldn't tell you.

01-25-2014, 04:20 PM
Well, they are widely known to cause yeast infections..lmao

True. ( see, I do agree with you sometimes ;) )

Get some acidophilus Kelly, or eat natural yoghurt everyday. It will potentially save you a lot of problems in the future.

Anti-Bs kill all bacteria, and lack of good bacteria is now being strongly linked to anxiety, and loads of other conditions.

The acidophilus or yoghurt will prevent that being a problem. Ed mentioned this, wanted to re-highlight it!

I've been allergic to antibiotics. When you're allergic, it let's you know!

01-26-2014, 12:33 AM
Antibiotics can raise heart rate and they can also increase anxiety. But it's nothing dangerous.
