View Full Version : on-going anxiety issue? I think.

01-25-2014, 01:01 PM
Hello All,

Great board of information and support here. Glad to be a part of the family. So, back about 2 years I had my first panic attack that lead me into the hospital that same night, all I remember it was a cold February night around 10am, I ate a crazy heavy salty dinner and had the heat on HIGH blast.... then I just remember breathing in (I was driving) and said let me pull over I can't do it anymore.. I thought it was my heart. Anyhow, I stopped, got picked up (keep in mind it took me an hour to get to the hospital) so thinking back on it, how could of it been a heart attack? Lol... Anxiety I assume.

I spent about 4-6 hours that night there, pumped with IV.. I was dehydrated. I also lacked potassium?

So fast forward about 4 months, I tried to shake myself... but I always have this sense of worry. The worst will happen. I went to go see a psychiatrist. I was prescribed .5 of Klonopin.. Now I'm not a big pill person, but I have this fear that if I'm in the middle of attack let it be anxiety (but mostly I'm always thinking heart attack) that the pill will make it worst. I don't know that's just me. So I take it as needed, mostly for flying and it works pretty well. Wonders.

So that is how I been for the last two years.. on and off really just dealing.. with it as it comes.

So fast forward to mid January... I started to want to get in shape, yes I am a bit overweight, I won't lie. I do need to lose around 50lbs (I weight 230 at 5'7). So I started to grab a personal trainer with my brother, training roughly about 2-3 times a week and I was planning on doing cardio as I am getting married this September! I was doing weight training with the trainer and I'm not sure if I strained or just went too hard at the gym, but I have this on-going "pressure" just below my shoulder on the left side, definitely during this time am I feeling no pain around my heart area (center chest.) which helps me calm my nerves and THINK it is anxiety. It feels like a dull pressure. Weird.

So as I was coming home from work today and I was driving alone, the same thought that always is in my head when I am alone driving is... oh man if sometimes happens.. I'm here alone. I'll never make it. The usual... I breath in deep breaths and that always seem to help.. or crack a window to get fresh cool air (it's really cold up here in NY!!)

So that is my dilemma. I've taken like 5 EKG exams in the last 2 years, one really recently about a week ago. All perfect. Chest ex-ray, all perfect... about a week ago. Blood test recently, my cholesterol came back high and liver function but I didn't fast on that blood test and ate heavy before.. so I just recently re-did those two exams again, awaiting results. I also wore a halter gram (that records all functions) and did an echo (maybe 2 years ago) -- all looked OK at that time...

And now of all times, I have a sore throat, cough (not chest), and sinus... stuffy nose.. Making it feel worst! So I'm using Advil cold and sinus plus flonause nasal spray at nights..... oh the joy?

Sorry for the long rant..... I wish life went back to normal for me at least.

01-25-2014, 02:02 PM
I here ya! I had a similar issue with potassium! Ended up nearly passing out 8 weeks postpartum and ended up in an ambulance pulse of 160s sustained for a few hours. What a nightmare. Also after a salty meal -culvers- which I have yet to eat again. Your body needs a healthy balance between sodium and potassium or if gets wacky. I think it's hard after a run like that to forget it and accept it. I know it has been for me. It started a terrible fear in me.

01-26-2014, 09:57 AM
I here ya! I had a similar issue with potassium! Ended up nearly passing out 8 weeks postpartum and ended up in an ambulance pulse of 160s sustained for a few hours. What a nightmare. Also after a salty meal -culvers- which I have yet to eat again. Your body needs a healthy balance between sodium and potassium or if gets wacky. I think it's hard after a run like that to forget it and accept it. I know it has been for me. It started a terrible fear in me.

Thanks yeah, it's odd but I'm just copping with it.. day by day.