View Full Version : My anxiety is getting better!

02-21-2008, 05:03 PM
I'm so pleased my anxiety that has been bad since october and really bad since xmas is starting to get a lot better. I know this sounds strange but I think I have been saved from this by chemistry/physics/maths and the Grateful Dead. Sounds strange, but it works for me!

Good luck.

02-21-2008, 09:04 PM
I'm so pleased my anxiety that has been bad since october and really bad since xmas is starting to get a lot better. I know this sounds strange but I think I have been saved from this by chemistry/physics/maths and the Grateful Dead. Sounds strange, but it works for me!

Good luck.

Awesome! :D

02-22-2008, 06:56 AM
I know this sounds strange but I think I have been saved from this by chemistry/physics/maths and the Grateful Dead. Sounds strange, but it works for me!

Actually, it is not as strange as you might think. Remember that SO much of what makes an anxiety disorder an ANXIETY DISORDER is a fear of the condition itself, as well as the implications of the condition (ie the thought that anxiety is NEVER going to go away, it is going to ruin your life, and you will have to take HORRIBLE medication for the rest of your days). ANYTHING that can help get your mind off your condition will allow your mind to heal from anxiety. This is why distractions from anxiety are considered to be such a powerful CBT tool against anxiety (or depression, for that matter).