View Full Version : Heart skipping

01-25-2014, 11:32 AM
I hate it when my heart skips. You guys are going to get tired of me whining about it all the time. It drives me crazy even though I have had a million tests done and they won't hurt me. I don't understand how anyone can ignore them. Bad day for me.

01-25-2014, 11:41 AM
Have you ever tryed beta blockers

01-25-2014, 11:41 AM
I hate it when my heart skips. You guys are going to get tired of me whining about it all the time. It drives me crazy even though I have had a million tests done and they won't hurt me. I don't understand how anyone can ignore them. Bad day for me.

I've never had this happen but I understand because I hate when my heart races. I instantly know if it's up above 80bpm and I instantly freak out.

I know skipping beats is a common problem on here so you'll definitely have some great support!

01-25-2014, 06:31 PM
I hate it when my heart skips. You guys are going to get tired of me whining about it all the time. It drives me crazy even though I have had a million tests done and they won't hurt me. I don't understand how anyone can ignore them. Bad day for me.

If you had all the test done then stop worrying . I had heart skips for 6 days and it's an awful feeling makes the anxiety go crazy,did all the test and they told me all normal, the cause could be emotional stress.So hang on it will all go back to normal and nothing will happen. Good luck