View Full Version : Lower back, hips, pelvic area aches :( Stomach issues too!!

01-25-2014, 08:39 AM
Last night, my lower back started to ache, then my hips and pelvic area. Also, I have the restless leg thing going on along with it. I also have some serious gas that is making my stomach hurt all over. Does anyone else ever get this? We are traveling today too, so I'm pretty miserable.

01-27-2014, 08:03 PM
Yes! I have pain everyday. It moves but mostly I have very bad tailbone and back and leg pain all the time! I can't sleep at night because my legs feel like they are full of knots. They get tingly and jerky like I can't stop moving them. I've been waking up every morning with numbness and tingling in my arms and hands. I'm so terrified it might be the start of ms.

01-27-2014, 08:31 PM
Jloca215- so sorry you have to deal with the pain! It is frustrating!! My pain moves too. Today, I am hurting under my left rib cage and shoulder. It's just crazy what anxiety can do. I really believe it's all the tension we hold in our bodies.

01-27-2014, 08:40 PM
I pray that's what it is! Doctors don't seem to believe me about it anymore. They all say I'm too young and it's all in my head but I know it isnt. I also get headaches like 3 times a week. That may be stress related but the aches and pains- I need more answers! I even work out 3-4 times a week. I feel even worse when I'm done.

01-27-2014, 10:20 PM
I pray that's what it is! Doctors don't seem to believe me about it anymore. They all say I'm too young and it's all in my head but I know it isnt. I also get headaches like 3 times a week. That may be stress related but the aches and pains- I need more answers! I even work out 3-4 times a week. I feel even worse when I'm done.

2 days in a row I went to bed and my pelvis and legs throbbed. It felt worse when I was laying down than it did when I would stand but I've ha that before. I can't pin point what it's related to but it sucks.

01-27-2014, 10:22 PM
Jloca215- so sorry you have to deal with the pain! It is frustrating!! My pain moves too. Today, I am hurting under my left rib cage and shoulder. It's just crazy what anxiety can do. I really believe it's all the tension we hold in our bodies.

I've had aches in my right rib cage off and on for a month. It hurst to actually touch the ribs but not my stomach. Feels like you do when you run without drinking water. Does that sound similar to you at all?

01-27-2014, 10:34 PM
Sounds like gas or indigestion maybe? Could be costichondritis too. It's where the muscles in between your ribs get sore usually from tension. I'm a nurse btw :)

01-27-2014, 10:37 PM
Sounds like gas or indigestion maybe? Could be costichondritis too. It's where the muscles in between your ribs get sore usually from tension. I'm a nurse btw :)

I've had my dr tell me that's probably what it is but I have no idea what could have caused it, other than I'm going through autoimmune testing right now. I also didn't realize it could be all the way down there but I've read or can be.

01-27-2014, 10:37 PM
Do you stand a lot? I'm always having groin and leg/back pain because as I said I'm a nurse and work 12 hour shifts. It's muscle strain, fatigue. I thought working out would help but it's been three months and it hasn't. Try yoga or stretching.

El Lukio
01-28-2014, 05:57 AM

I'm new here btw but what you are describing is what I'm going through as well.

My lower back aches, which can spread into my legs, hips and pelvis. My shoulders ache too but it's weird - it's not very painful just very tense. I also have digestive issues like I am bloated and my belly is very tense. I know it's all to do with my anxiety but my sick and twisted mind tires to tell me it's something else. It has a nasty habit of freaking me out really bad. I am glad I am not alone. I'm sure it's anxiety related as if I get stuck in to something I seem to forget about it. Like in a morning - I never wake up feeling this way but then I sort of say to myself - 'come on tension, where are you?' and so it continues. It's a dangerous and vicious cycle. It moves around too - sometimes left leg, sometimes right leg, either side of my abdomen or then my shoulder. My GP said I was very tense in my shoulders.

I just need to work out a mechanism to head this off at the pass so to speak and stop it happening. The negative thoughts I have are driving me nuts.

Good luck and I hope you find a way of dealing x