View Full Version : Anxiety, Stress, Depression Symptoms?

01-25-2014, 01:12 AM
Hey all

Kinda of new on here i was wondering if people could tell me what symptoms Anxiety Stress and Depression can give you?


01-25-2014, 02:39 AM
Hello there and welcome to the page,anxiety can change it's symptoms but the most common ones are
Heart racing/palpitations
A feeling that you may pass out
Sweating or feeling cold
A feeling you want to fight it or run
What do you get?

01-25-2014, 02:57 AM
At the moment getting muscle ache muscle twitching all over cold hands and feet headaches. My doctor thinks I have aniexty and stress and said when I got ill it's snowballed and now I am getting physical symptoms even tho deep down I don't believe it :(

01-25-2014, 03:02 AM
At the moment getting muscle ache muscle twitching all over cold hands and feet headaches. My doctor thinks I have aniexty and stress and said when I got ill it's snowballed and now I am getting physical symptoms even tho deep down I don't believe it :(

Do you take anything to help you?

01-25-2014, 03:05 AM
At the moment I have been given nothing for it but being sent for some counselling that's it. I am still having some tests now and that. Ended up moving doctor surgerys because been suffering so much the last few months

01-25-2014, 03:10 AM
At the moment getting muscle ache muscle twitching all over cold hands and feet headaches. My doctor thinks I have aniexty and stress and said when I got ill it's snowballed and now I am getting physical symptoms even tho deep down I don't believe it :(

I have these same symptoms and it all started when i got ill and i now think i have somthing serious wrong x

01-25-2014, 03:16 AM
I've had panic attacks since I was 17 and I'm now 38,I've had every symptom under the sun and yet I'm still here :)
Anxitey likes to feed on what you fear the most
That feeling in your head results to oh I have a Brian tumour
Oh why do I feel like this I must be going mad
That pain in my leg must be a blood clot
Why do I feel so bad?there must be something seriously wrong with me ? it can't just be anxiety ?
But belive me when I tell you it REALLY IS just anxiety

01-25-2014, 03:18 AM
Oh it's awful Lucy because I am normally a fit person that plays football goes gym and I also worked as a fitness instructor now I can't do nothing :(

01-25-2014, 03:25 AM
Sounds silly deep down I hope it is aniexty and stress because I then can fight it and deal with it. I suppose I am looking for answers and I am guessing that's part of it too? Lol

01-25-2014, 03:59 AM
Oh it's awful Lucy because I am normally a fit person that plays football goes gym and I also worked as a fitness instructor now I can't do nothing :(

Yeah i was keeping fit now nothing! my muscles feel like i have been working out when i havent. Its such a horrible thing to have but you will get over it x

01-25-2014, 04:03 AM
I hope so because I feel awful :/ it's horrible because when your active it also mentally don't help as well

01-25-2014, 04:12 AM
I hope so because I feel awful :/ it's horrible because when your active it also mentally don't help as well

I know how u feel

01-25-2014, 04:25 AM
My I ask Lucy when it all started what was your illness?

01-25-2014, 08:03 AM
Well it i wasnt really that unwell but i had earache and i almost fainted in asda and i had a tooth infection and a uti. What about you

01-25-2014, 09:43 AM
I got told I had sinusitis and had a infection that's how it all started :/ not nice at all still suffering now.

01-25-2014, 11:01 AM
I've dealt with anxiety off and on for years. I was doing really well until October this past year when I developed sinusitis. I've been battling it since then. I think it's just the longevity of dealing with this crap creates the extra worry. Having health anxiety is not fun, especially those days when you're alone, feeling bad and start thinking of every horrible thing that might be wrong with you. Of course, that just multiplies every symptom until you feel like the walls are closing in. What helps me more than anything is to get out of the house and keep doing things you enjoy or spending time with friends. If you can power through it and distract your mind, you'll be in much better shape with the anxiety. You mentioned you go to the gym. Don't give it up and give in to staying cooped up at home nervous about feeling bad. Millions of people suffer from sinus issues. It sucks. I know first hand how it affects your quality of life. I've been on 3 rounds of antibiotics, oral steroids and a nasal steroid spray. I'm going to see an ENT doc soon. In the meantime, I've been using saline irrigation with a neti pot every other day. That helps clear the nasal passages. Don't let this get you down to the point that you stop doing things you enjoy. Try to power through. I promise you'll feel better. I'm working on it too. -Jeff

01-25-2014, 11:15 AM
I've dealt with anxiety off and on for years. I was doing really well until October this past year when I developed sinusitis. I've been battling it since then. I think it's just the longevity of dealing with this crap creates the extra worry. Having health anxiety is not fun, especially those days when you're alone, feeling bad and start thinking of every horrible thing that might be wrong with you. Of course, that just multiplies every symptom until you feel like the walls are closing in. What helps me more than anything is to get out of the house and keep doing things you enjoy or spending time with friends. If you can power through it and distract your mind, you'll be in much better shape with the anxiety. You mentioned you go to the gym. Don't give it up and give in to staying cooped up at home nervous about feeling bad. Millions of people suffer from sinus issues. It sucks. I know first hand how it affects your quality of life. I've been on 3 rounds of antibiotics, oral steroids and a nasal steroid spray. I'm going to see an ENT doc soon. In the meantime, I've been using saline irrigation with a neti pot every other day. That helps clear the nasal passages. Don't let this get you down to the point that you stop doing things you enjoy. Try to power through. I promise you'll feel better. I'm working on it too. -Jeff

Thanks for your info and i totally I think I cold deal with it so much better if I was not aching all over and getting this muscle twitching it's making me so worried and anxious like something serious Is going on :/ everyday seems such a struggle at the moment. I have been docs so many times had loads of bloods done and had MRI scan etc everything is pretty much coming back normal which is so annoying because you want answers from this. Just want the old me I have a 6 year daughter too which is another thing because I want to be fit and healthy for her too.


01-25-2014, 11:18 AM
I feel my heart skipping that is the worse symptom that I get. I feel like I am on the edge all the time. I am 56 and still here so I guess it's not going to kill me but I am miserable a lot. I still have a very hard time believing its anxiety

01-25-2014, 11:41 AM
I feel my heart skipping that is the worse symptom that I get. I feel like I am on the edge all the time. I am 56 and still here so I guess it's not going to kill me but I am miserable a lot. I still have a very hard time believing its anxiety

I have had the heart strong heart beat feeling through the chest not nice at all.

01-25-2014, 01:39 PM
I got told I had sinusitis and had a infection that's how it all started :/ not nice at all still suffering now.

I had sinuitus to at the begining

01-25-2014, 01:51 PM
I had sinuitus to at the begining

Lucy we have the same symptoms and same thing happened to us it's crazy. I was thinking about going out of hours doctors tomorrow

01-26-2014, 01:26 PM
I'm always stressed because of school and my mum thinks i might have depression(shes a social worker) isn't it weird how a school can cause all these problems?:/ x