View Full Version : Do any of you stutter when anxious?

01-24-2014, 08:28 PM
Hi out there. I am new and wanted to get right out there to ask a question. I have never spoken aloud about this, my family has but I try to change the subject. But it happens. And as humiliated as I am, I needed somewhere to open up.

I am anxious 24/7. I feel it in my stomach mostly. One bad thought can trigger an attack. And my body shuts down and the tears start. But stuttering. I don't understand it. Some days I can talk just fine, other days I cannot pronounce B's, D's, and P's. It's so strange. I am a pre-law student and a nanny, it's actually held me back in college and career.

Does it happen to you on super anxious days?

Thank you.

01-24-2014, 09:19 PM
It's simply the adrenaline. Alankay

I am not my brain
01-24-2014, 09:26 PM
I have similar problems. Some days I'm fine, others I don't make any sense of my words/thoughts, especially with people I don't know.

This has hurt me in the job market, because everything seems to be based around your interpersonal skills. Employers can read you within 5 mins. of talking to you.

I wonder what other challenges this illness is going to present to me in the future?! I can't wait to find out!!

01-25-2014, 12:01 PM
Thank you so much for sharing, and I completely feel your pain. I've always compared the stammering to weakness. Once it happens I'm usually questioning my strengths, wondering if I appeared illiterate, and knocking myself down for it all. I think I have something to do with it, and confidence sometimes triumphs.

I fear one day I won't be able to speak at all, or I'll be too embarrassed to show my face in public again.