View Full Version : 8 Things You Can Do TODAY To Alleviate Anxiety!

02-20-2008, 11:23 PM
Anxiety is part of our society. But that’s a shortcoming that should not stop us from having a party! Ok, grab yourself a pastry.

Although partly meant to just grab your attention, this little exercise in rhymes actually summarizes the whole story on how you can cope with this affliction called “anxiety.”

All of us have at one time or another felt this anxiety bug nibbling at our brains. We have this feeling before a big exam, a business presentation, a first date, a job interview, or any other event wherein we feel something negative might happen.

Don’t worry, because this is perfectly normal. No, you’re definitely not alone if you sometimes feel that the test you have to take will be too hard to pass, or the date with that hot chick is going to end with a stinging slap on your face.

When your level of anxiety goes to the roof of the Empire State Building or the Sears Tower, that’s the only time when you have to seek medical help.

Of course, you don’t have to wait before the molehills of anxiety grow into a volcano that could blow up inside you. You don’t even have to wait for the first anxiety molehill to appear before you do something about it.

Ever heard of the saying, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”?

Here are eight tips to ward off anxiety attacks:

1. Exercise regularly – You don’t have to consult a doctor to know that exercise is an effective treatment for anxiety. In particular, yoga and aerobic activities induce calming effects.

2. Get enough sleep - Lack of sleep can trigger anxiety. Rest for a full night, or from 6 to 8 hours depending on your sleeping habit.

3. Eat a healthy diet – Eating healthy foods will not only keep you trim and fit but also insulate you from anxiety attack. Make it a point to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

4. Meditate – The act of closing the many windows of your mind and focusing on just your breathing has been shown to reduce anxiety.

5. Relax – Enjoy a day at the beach, the pool, the movie house, or anywhere where you can unwind.

6. Avoid alcohol and drugs – These substances can definitely worsen your feeling of anxiety and could even lead to bigger problems.

7. Don’t resort to caffeine - Stop drinking or reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages, including soda, coffee, and tea. Caffeine only increases your anxiety and can cause insomnia. It can even provoke panic attacks.

8. Cultivate a support system - Spend quality time with people who make you feel good and are emotionally supportive. The more social support you get from friends and family, the less vulnerable you will be to anxiety and stress.

02-28-2008, 03:25 AM
This isn't stress, it's anxiety. It goes so far beyond regular stress that can be dealt with on a normal level. You try getting enough sleep when you think you're constantly dying. I find this insulting, and patronizing.