View Full Version : Who is the real you?

01-24-2014, 03:04 PM
Anxiety prevents us from being who we really are, we put walls, keep our guard up anything to prevent something from triggering an attack, but thats not hte real me or you.

Who is the real you?

The real me, when the walls are dropped, usually due to heavy alcohol consumption or heavy medication, I'm the guy who finds the fun in everything, does not bite his tongue and will dance until the club closes, is quite funny and very flirty and is happy!

I had surgery a few years ago, and as i was coming out from the anesthesia, i was cutting up with the Doctors and flirting with nurses. I was thinking clearly enough to hear my Mom tell the Doctor that this was the real me when I let my guard down and that it was rare for my guard to be down.

01-24-2014, 08:38 PM
I totally here you!!!!

I was always the guy (post alcohol) on the dance floor with my friends frantically trying to recover my clothes from the edges.

Unfortunately I cannot drink.

After several years of relative stability, alcohol now sends me into a spiral for weeks after.

So I'm now the conservative guy picking my friends clothes up whilst clutching the car keys to make sure they get home in one piece.

But thank you for triggering the memory (I'm chuckling to myself now) :D

LOL. I tend to loose some clothing along the way also!

01-25-2014, 08:23 AM
Anxiety prevents us from being who we really are, we put walls, keep our guard up anything to prevent something from triggering an attack, but thats not hte real me or you.

Who is the real you?

The real me, when the walls are dropped, usually due to heavy alcohol consumption or heavy medication, I'm the guy who finds the fun in everything, does not bite his tongue and will dance until the club closes, is quite funny and very flirty and is happy!

I had surgery a few years ago, and as i was coming out from the anesthesia, i was cutting up with the Doctors and flirting with nurses. I was thinking clearly enough to hear my Mom tell the Doctor that this was the real me when I let my guard down and that it was rare for my guard to be down.

You sound like a riot when your walls are dropped. :) Have you thought that maybe if you go out more often around other happy people that perhaps you'd be able to let your guard down and have fun...at least after a while?

01-25-2014, 08:42 AM
Your so right! I definitely don't allow myself to have fun with anxiety. I used to be a very social person. Loved meeting new people and could talk to anybody. I had a wild and crazy side too.
Now, I just feel like a boring, ole gal. My husband calls me square pants...lol :p

01-25-2014, 09:07 AM
Anxiety prevents us from being who we really are, we put walls, keep our guard up anything to prevent something from triggering an attack, but thats not hte real me or you.

no, anxiety is not something from outside, it is us who let our brain to do this to us. Only we are can change it. I think you should put less attention on it, and try to listen advice of others. Get out and do not think, have fun.:)

01-25-2014, 09:34 AM
I don't even remember who is underneath the anxiety anymore.

01-25-2014, 06:57 PM
I HAVE become abit if a granny, but my personality hasn't exactly changed as much.. I feel more mature.. But I still put myself out as much as I can :)

01-25-2014, 08:52 PM
I'm not sure who I really am. I worry so much about how others perceive me that I don't know if I've ever been 'myself'.

01-26-2014, 02:38 AM
I feel like I'm a person who smiles more without my anxiety. I'm a whole lot calmer too! :) While I've never been much of a people person, I used to be pretty funny. At one point I was even described as "down-to-earth". I'd love to be that person again.

Anxious Abi
01-26-2014, 03:46 AM
I'm not sure who I really am. I worry so much about how others perceive me that I don't know if I've ever been 'myself'.

I can totally relate.
It's hard to be yourself when you're so preoccupied with what others think of you.

I'm not sure I know myself without anxiety anymore, it's become a major part of my identity.

Here's to finding ourselves again.

01-27-2014, 12:00 AM
I miss the real me. I am fun-loving, friendly, adventurous and everywhere. I laugh out loud wherever and whenever and I just love life.

Unfortunately that's all trapped in this brain of too much thought. I'm too serious, boring, and make everything negative. I worry too much.


01-27-2014, 12:17 AM
Happy, full of life all smiles. That's the OLD me