View Full Version : Outpatient Day Programs

01-24-2014, 02:42 PM
I start an outpatient day program on Tuesday and I'm so nervous, I have no idea what to expect. Has anyone ever been? Have any advice?

I took medical leave from my job (very high stress) due to bad panic attacks and some depression. I really am at my wits end and don't know what else to possibly do.

01-24-2014, 03:10 PM
I start an outpatient day program on Tuesday and I'm so nervous, I have no idea what to expect. Has anyone ever been? Have any advice?

I took medical leave from my job (very high stress) due to bad panic attacks and some depression. I really am at my wits end and don't know what else to possibly do.

In 2011 when I made use of one, I really liked it, found it very helpful. Lots of others say the same. You'll enjoy it, trust me :)

01-24-2014, 03:20 PM
In 2011 when I made use of one, I really liked it, found it very helpful. Lots of others say the same. You'll enjoy it, trust me :)

I'm just so worried that it won't help...if that makes sense. I feel like this was always "worst case scenario"...... And now I'm here.

01-24-2014, 04:05 PM
I'm just so worried that it won't help...if that makes sense. I feel like this was always "worst case scenario"...... And now I'm here.

That's ok, it's understandable, I remember feeling that way too. It lasted long after leaving outpatient program, but the program really pushed me into the right direction. It helped me express some stuff too.

You've heard of anxiety being the fight or flight response, right? I mean, it's what every post, and book and video go on about until everybody is sick of the sound of it. Anxiety (long story short) is more or less there due to a fear of danger, or in anticipation of an enemy or predator attack. That was kind of it's intention.

If you fear your anxiety, or you fear never getting better or any of that stuff, then you're in a reallllly tricky situation. Then your fight or flight response, is being set off by your fight or flight response. You're getting anxiety, OVER having anxiety.

And that's nonsensical, that's causing extra problems, and gets you into a trap :) so try and let all of these concepts and ideas go. They aren't helpful. Ideas like 'getting better', they create a battle situation which don't help your mind.

You have an overhyped amygdala (fear centre in the brain), like we virtually all have/have had, and that's causing you to feel extremely off. Getting better is just about learning to minimize the stimulation that keeps that part of the brain hyped up. You can do that anyhow, anyway that works for you. It can begin to happen at any time.

Worrying treatment won't work, well, that's adding to the stimulation, and worsening the problem very slightly. It's also really ironic, as the treatment is meant to make you feel better.

You need to go in the opposite direction to the way you think/feel and react sometimes.

Whenever you see stimulation present, like in your last post, where that sense of worry feels quite strong, when you feel stimulation that is gonna add to your over stressed amygdala, try go the opposite way, try to minimize it.

Then you'll see you make good progress from anywhere. There is no linear process to getting better, or worse, so you can relax a little. There's no last resort, even though it really feels that way when you're suffering. We all just try many things until eventually some form of therapy helps it click inside our heads, and we begin improving.

Outpatient care will help with some stuff, it will make some stuff easier. But it's ultimately upto you to care for your own amygdala :)

01-24-2014, 05:20 PM
Thank you for the support and motivation, you rock.

It's true the absolute worst thing about having a brain is having a brain. My therapist and I have a running joke that cavemen don't have panic attacks....because they were always in real danger. Sometimes I think I'm still stuck in my past life as a cavewoman....or at least my amygdala is,

01-24-2014, 05:32 PM
lol. I am with you too there! Another cave dweller here! :)

It'd be fun, if it wasn't for the panic attacks....especially the nighttime ones that wake you up. I could really do without them.

01-24-2014, 05:40 PM
Thank you for the support and motivation, you rock.

It's true the absolute worst thing about having a brain is having a brain. My therapist and I have a running joke that cavemen don't have panic attacks....because they were always in real danger. Sometimes I think I'm still stuck in my past life as a cavewoman....or at least my amygdala is,

You're welcome!

:) that is pretty funny. Cavemen not having panic attacks cos they're always in real danger.

If you ever do decide to check out the cave girl theory, invite me and Frankie over for some fire roasted freshly hunted buffalo! Yum

01-24-2014, 05:47 PM
You're welcome! :) that is pretty funny. Cavemen not having panic attacks cos they're always in real danger. If you ever do decide to check out the cave girl theory, invite me and Frankie over for some fire roasted freshly hunted buffalo! Yum

I would...but I'm a vegetarian. Oh man, I just realized what a horrible cavewoman that would make me. :(

01-24-2014, 06:16 PM
I would...but I'm a vegetarian. Oh man, I just realized what a horrible cavewoman that would make me. :(

what about marshmellows? May I join? :)

01-24-2014, 06:22 PM
what about marshmellows? May I join? :)

It wouldn't be a party without you Dahila ;)

01-24-2014, 06:47 PM
Reese - Do you know how long you'll be going to the outpatient centre for?

01-24-2014, 06:55 PM
Reese - Do you know how long you'll be going to the outpatient centre for?

Minimum 3 weeks but probably closer to 5....which sounds so daunting.