View Full Version : Soooo anxiety comes so random

01-24-2014, 10:56 AM
I went to the gym this morning felt amazing ! This afternoon I had a hair apt (my sister owns a salon so she does it) and I get here sit down she puts the cape on me and I start feeling anxious ??? Why??? What for ??? What am I anxious about ?? Don't get it.

01-24-2014, 11:24 AM
Hi Lexiii I always struggled sitting in the chair at the salon. My anxiety would sky rocket. I think it was because I felt I could not "escape". Where am I gonna run to with a cape and colour on.lol! Now I cross the road to my sister in laws house as a hairdresser calls to her house and I'm very comfortable and calm in her house. No anxiety then. I'm not saying it's the best thing but it's what my avoidant behaviour led me to do.

Yes !! I think it's a fear of not being able to escape where will I go what will other ppl in the salon think etc !! Ugh so annoying I hate this feeling !!!

01-24-2014, 11:51 AM
It's good that your sis is there to help you or distract you at least. You got through it did you Lexiii? I'm hoping you haven't only had a half a haircut :)

Yes I'm still here bc I'm colouring my hair but so far no attack just anxious and worry !! Hate this feeling but I'm almost done here :) thanks for the help!!!!

01-24-2014, 12:11 PM
I get anxious and unbalanced in the shower... that is what makes me feel trapped

01-24-2014, 03:25 PM
Happy to help. I bet you'll look fab. And get a discount! What colour you getting?

Thanks !!! Xox I got lo lights different browns !! (I was blonde in the summer change my hair to much haha )

01-24-2014, 03:26 PM
I get anxious and unbalanced in the shower... that is what makes me feel trapped

When I'm home I'm always fine even if I'm anxious I know I'm safe bc I'm home.. Being alone always makes me feel better for some reason

Paul N Lauren
01-24-2014, 03:48 PM
i feel trapped in wally world. lol. its true. i hate that damn place. seems like i have to go once or twice a week. grrrrr. oh and traffic. i get irate in traffic.

01-24-2014, 05:54 PM
Lexiii, I feel exactly the same. When I'm home I'm quite a calm, patient and placid person. It's when I go out it all changes. Are you agoraphobic ?

I feel like I'm beginning to be.... I just started having attacks 3 months ago now I fear of having them and feel anxious often.. For example i always need to be in the front seat while driving I don't like feeling contained .. I've had attacks while out to lunch and feel anxious at the mall. I'm weird I am anxious when I shouldn't be. At work I've had so many attacks so that's a place I feel really anxious but it's getting better latley... What about u ? Mostly when I'm around ppl bc like I said I fear I'll have one so that's all I'm focused on!