View Full Version : Muscle twitching and aches? Can aniexty do this?

01-24-2014, 10:40 AM
Hi all.

I am new to the site and looking for some answers. I am getting a lot of muscle twitching all over and muscle aches and joints ache too. I have been docs loads of times and currently seeing Nero where I have loads of bloods taken and a MRI scan of head. Which all came back normal only thing that was on my MRI scan was fluid in left sinus.

My GP as now turned around and said aniexty and stress really????

01-25-2014, 12:54 AM
Hi thanks for your reply. I understand you said can cause muscle twitching. I am in so much pain at the moment from head to toe. I feel like I have arthritis or something :/ I can't believe what stress and aniexty can do to you. I mean what are the symptoms of stress and aniexty?


01-25-2014, 11:19 AM
Hi Neil The symptoms of anxiety are a pretty long list, and many people experience a variety of symptoms. There are common ones (muscle aches, heart palpitations, sweating, cold hands and feet. The problem is, whilst a high volume of patients seen by a GP often do have classic symptoms, unfortunately anything that remains "medically unexplained" more often gets placed into the "psychological"bracket also. Just reading your symptoms on your welcome thread about the damage to your stomach muscle. The symtpoms you describe combined would certainly be typical of a nerve/muscular disorder (not totally convinced it would be a nerv"ous" disorder). I would see what your blood results show first, but if you are not happy with the diagnosis, I would ask to be refered for a second opinion. The concern for me would be the burning sensation and painful skin. Others on the forum may have a different opinion, but I can't say that it "screams" anxiety. Best of luck James

Hey James

Cheers for your reply. I did have a ultrasound on my stomach injury and it did show some damage but not enough be worried about said the doctors so guess I am stuck with that. I have had a few bloods over the few months I feel like I walking blood bank lol. But everything is pretty coming back normal apart when I first got ill they said I might have a infection. It's all very annoying because you just want answers. I trying to be positive


01-25-2014, 11:44 AM
Hi thanks for your reply. I understand you said can cause muscle twitching. I am in so much pain at the moment from head to toe. I feel like I have arthritis or something :/ I can't believe what stress and aniexty can do to you. I mean what are the symptoms of stress and aniexty? Regards Neil

Have you ever looked into fibromyalgia ? It's actually can be caused by anxiety and stress, and exasperated by it too. I know when my anxiety is high I just hold my muscles so tight all the time that they hurt so bad after a while too. Today my jaw is killing me from clenching my teeth all night.

01-25-2014, 11:56 AM
Have you ever looked into fibromyalgia ? It's actually can be caused by anxiety and stress, and exasperated by it too. I know when my anxiety is high I just hold my muscles so tight all the time that they hurt so bad after a while too. Today my jaw is killing me from clenching my teeth all night.

Hey Reese

How are you? Yeah I have looked at that searching via google i swear Google is my worse Enemy makes me feel worse lol. I have to see my consultant next week I will mention it to him and see what he says.