View Full Version : Hiya :)

01-24-2014, 10:33 AM
Today I feel a lot more different then other days!! I feel,good.. I hate the wishy washy feeling. Either I'm,good or not. Seems to be on a vicious rollercoaster. I wish there was something to do,to stop this !!

Paul N Lauren
01-24-2014, 10:45 AM
Today I feel a lot more different then other days!! I feel,good.. I hate the wishy washy feeling. Either I'm,good or not. Seems to be on a vicious rollercoaster. I wish there was something to do,to stop this !!
yes my love, it sux. but take the good days and realize that the bad days are less and less with the good days. ummm, that sounds like double talk but you get what i mean. you will see that good days lead to more good days. like i said earlier , attacks will happen. you are getting a hold of your anxiety and its screwing with you coming and going. again you have a lot going on and look at you go . you are having good days in spite of the crap you are dealing with. i keep telling you that you are strong. . :). just go with the good days and dont think about when the next bad day will be. if yoy do it will come more often . dont want that. be cold to some extent as i am with anxiety. you will find ur own way in time. my heart is with you iloveyu29.