View Full Version : symptoms all day-_-

01-23-2014, 11:17 PM
Any of you have daily symptoms?
I usually feel out of breath, throat tightness & headaches.
its really ruining my life.
I've had numerous studies done. everything came back fine only 49 pacs which i told was benign
all help welcomed

01-23-2014, 11:19 PM
I also have all these crazy thoughts. I always think i either have cancer, heart disease & neurological issues/:

01-23-2014, 11:24 PM
Yes, I'm having daily symptoms with all 3 of these. I keep worrying that there's something really bad wrong. Hit me harder after a long bout with sinus problems. Right now my throat is tight and hurting and all I can think is the worst...throat cancer or some such calamity. I know it's because of the drainage and lack of sleep. I haven't slept well in months. One thing that is helping me right now is I'm reading and studying a book called "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes. She describes each one of these symptoms and walks you through how to overcome them in a very straightforward and conversational way.

01-23-2014, 11:27 PM
Yes, I'm having daily symptoms with all 3 of these. I keep worrying that there's something really bad wrong. Hit me harder after a long bout with sinus problems. Right now my throat is tight and hurting and all I can think is the worst...throat cancer or some such calamity. I know it's because of the drainage and lack of sleep. I haven't slept well in months. One thing that is helping me right now is I'm reading and studying a book called "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes. She describes each one of these symptoms and walks you through how to overcome them in a very straightforward and conversational way.

now that you mention sinus i also have something kind related to it. I have Turbinate Hypertrophy which is similar to a deviated septum. which impares my breathing

01-23-2014, 11:33 PM
I have a deviated septum. Going to see an ENT doc soon, but it takes a little longer to see a specialist. I've been on 3 rounds of antibiotics and a round of oral steroids but can't seem to shake the sinus issues. I can cope with that ok, my biggest problem is when it starts irritating my throat or causing chest congestion.

01-23-2014, 11:34 PM
When you're congested, anxiety makes the feeling of not being able to breathe 10X worse. Blah.

01-23-2014, 11:42 PM
Yep I have symptoms all day too..

01-23-2014, 11:53 PM
When you're congested, anxiety makes the feeling of not being able to breathe 10X worse. Blah.

totally agree my nasal blockage freaks me out and can't even exercise good

01-23-2014, 11:53 PM
Yep I have symptoms all day too..

what do you feel?

01-23-2014, 11:59 PM
Spaced out/ drunk feeling
Feel like I can't catch a breath
Heart palpatations
Heart flutters
Intense pressure in my head
Weird vision

01-24-2014, 12:01 AM
And feeling off balance and giddy when walking

01-24-2014, 12:31 AM
Today I was so unbalanced and light headed I felt like my head was floating off my shoulders. I was funding myself grabbing for things to hold onto

01-24-2014, 12:33 AM
Today I was so unbalanced and light headed I felt like my head was floating off my shoulders. I was funding myself grabbing for things to hold onto

Yep that's me!!! It's so scary

01-24-2014, 12:46 AM
I also have all these crazy thoughts. I always think i either have cancer, heart disease & neurological issues/:

Me. All day everyday

Paul N Lauren
01-24-2014, 08:01 AM
i have the heart fluttering off and on all day. depends on how much i think about things. its all in our heads . we control how much it bothers us. simply put, if you have had tests done and are healthy based on them. then always put the anxiety in 1st place as the reason you are feeling these things. at that point start doing something to change ur though pattern. easier said than done i know. but once you do this . the daily things become every other day and then once or twice a week to occasionally. its a though nothing more. we are gonna get sick and we are going to have things happen. we do not need to worry our selves sick and we do not need to force things to happen. be a cold ass person to ur anxiety. tell it to kiss ur ass and go on bout ur daily routine. dont let anxiety be ur daily routine. take ur self out of the situation, walk away if you can and get some air. you control it if you choose. its like anything else . let it win and it takes advantage of you. do not do that. its just thoughts not real things. you can keep it at bay. dont be afraid of meds. coping is key. if you want some info on anxiety let me know. i will post a link or two to help understand symptoms and some coping skills. once you understand how it works , you can control it better. you will reconize symptoms of anxiety rather than physical issues. let me know. peace people.

01-26-2014, 08:31 AM
i have the heart fluttering off and on all day. depends on how much i think about things. its all in our heads . we control how much it bothers us. simply put, if you have had tests done and are healthy based on them. then always put the anxiety in 1st place as the reason you are feeling these things. at that point start doing something to change ur though pattern. easier said than done i know. but once you do this . the daily things become every other day and then once or twice a week to occasionally. its a though nothing more. we are gonna get sick and we are going to have things happen. we do not need to worry our selves sick and we do not need to force things to happen. be a cold ass person to ur anxiety. tell it to kiss ur ass and go on bout ur daily routine. dont let anxiety be ur daily routine. take ur self out of the situation, walk away if you can and get some air. you control it if you choose. its like anything else . let it win and it takes advantage of you. do not do that. its just thoughts not real things. you can keep it at bay. dont be afraid of meds. coping is key. if you want some info on anxiety let me know. i will post a link or two to help understand symptoms and some coping skills. once you understand how it works , you can control it better. you will reconize symptoms of anxiety rather than physical issues. let me know. peace people.

I love this. Needed to read it today :)

01-26-2014, 09:24 AM
Me. All day everyday

I think about all day long. Thought I was the only one. Feeling better than I'm not the only one.

Paul N Lauren
01-26-2014, 01:57 PM
I love this. Needed to read it today :)
glad it could help. :)

01-27-2014, 12:43 PM
I love this. Needed to read it today :)

Want to cope. Meditation does not work nor breathing. Can't tolerate ssri
Why do I have burning in my chest and arms?
Why is it worse when I leave the house and go in a store? Wasn't like this before