View Full Version : Morning anxiety???

02-20-2008, 11:39 AM
I always feel anxiety in the morning,, for no reason, other than knowing I have to go out and face the day. The anxiety usually subsides over the day, but does anyone else experience this "morning anxiety".. It sucks to have to wake up to this almost every day. any advice on how to cope or help with it?? Only thing I've noticed thats helped me is to simply get up and start the day instead of thinking and thinking negative thoughs in bed.

The Melody of Rain
02-20-2008, 11:57 AM
My anxiety is at its peak in the mornings. That explains why I'm a totally different character outside college than I am inside. By the time my lectures finish, I'm usually snapping out of the haze. I think its all habit at this stage really.

The best advice I can offer is to think objectively about your day. Decide that any negative thoughts that attempt to enter your mind will be dealt with when you have some free time that evening - when you can properly consider them in a more relaxed and appropriate setting. If you can get through a week of this successfully you'll feel like your old self.

02-22-2008, 05:15 PM
It's pretty common for anxiety to be exagerated in the morning-- your overactive brain has nothing else to do in the morning but think, so give it something else to concentrate on like getting ready, watching the news, or listening to the radio. Another thing that helps is to start the day with a short meditation or yoga exercise to clear your mind and relax. Anything you can do to get your mind ready to start the day without analyzing every single task head of you. Also, avoid sugary or caffinated drinks, they can actually aggrivate anxiety. :-) take a deep breath and relax.....

02-23-2008, 03:56 PM
Sounds like you're afraid of the unknown - which is entirely natural, but you're getting worked up about it.

NONE of us know for certain exactly how a day is going to pan out, there's always some element of unknown. But most people expect the most likely scenario and run with that, any exceptions get dealt with as they arise.

Since I'm the self-deprecating type I would persuade myself I'm being silly by going "a carnival clown's going to come bursting into my office laughing like an idiot and throwing cream pies around". It's such a ridiculous thing to worry about it will be funny, and when it doesn't happen I'll know I was worried over nothing.

Of course, if it DOES happen nobody will ever believe that I predicted it :D

(I accept no responsibility if this technique results in a phobia of clowns... haha)