View Full Version : A bit of a rant

01-23-2014, 05:22 PM
K, so I got this app yesterday because I have always had panic attacks. I hope I'm using it right. I guess I need to rant this one out, and maybe feel like it's going to be okay.


I just got a phone call from an unknown number, some girl was swearing at me, called me a cunt, and then hung up. I called the phone company to see if they could trace the number. They instead told me about an app that blocks unknown callers. I have that now, problem solved, right?

Wrong. I have no idea who that person was, or why she's mad. I can not think of anyone I have upset. If I have upset her somehow shouldn't I try to talk it out? Now that she can not call me from a blocked number is she going to retaliate in some other fashion? Did she have the wrong number? Why am I even thinking about this still? Why can't I just calm down?

I want to be the kind of person who deals with it and moves on. I always get myself into trouble trying to fix things, or figure out why some crazy person decided to focus their attention on me. Then crazy people end up more in my life than ever, and I feel like it happens an abnormal amount. I see other people just let it roll off their shoulders without a second thought, and they are better for it. I wish I could just stop letting panic or fear of not knowing why get the better of me. I wish I could chose my battles in a more reasonable mind frame, instead of panicking.

Thanks for listening, I realize it sounds silly. But it's where I'm at for the present moment, and I am grateful to have a place to speak out.

01-23-2014, 05:34 PM
Wasn't there a caller id for you to see the number then do a reverse lookup?

01-23-2014, 05:36 PM
No, it was an unknown caller. I got an app that blocks unknown callers, so it can't happen again. But I'm at a loss for why it happened.

01-23-2014, 05:42 PM
No, it was an unknown caller. I got an app that blocks unknown callers, so it can't happen again. But I'm at a loss for why it happened.

Probably all jealous because blondes, not brunettes, have more fun

Your an ex brunettes and she is just mad because she can't cross to the other side like you

01-23-2014, 05:50 PM
Haha, oh good. I just hope it wasn't a ginger, I'd be really worried. ;P

01-23-2014, 05:54 PM
Haha, oh good. I just hope it wasn't a ginger, I'd be really worried. ;P

Anytime a girl calls another girl the c word, it's about a guy

If they call you a bitch, it's about another girlfriend of theirs or bought the same skirt as they

Most likely - a guy likes you. A girl likes the guy. She can't have him so you are a C

01-23-2014, 06:17 PM
Nixon that was inspired! Did your wife tell you that? Welcome ex brunette! You came to the right place. You don't get advice like that anywhere else ....;)

I give my wife credit for most things that I do that people aren't angry about

This is one of the few of my own thoughts!

01-23-2014, 06:24 PM
Lmao, I thought the same thing. It takes a specific kind of upset for the C word to be put to good use. But I'm single, and any guys in my life are just friends. So it was unwarented. Had she just come out and say that I could have solved it for her right there.

Thanks for making it funny. I feel way better. :)

01-23-2014, 06:29 PM
Nixon that was inspired! Did your wife tell you that?
Welcome ex brunette! You came to the right place. You don't get advice like that anywhere else ....;)

Lol, thanks. I'm sure I'll hear from the person again so keep it coming!

01-23-2014, 06:38 PM
I suppose it is less about whether you think of the guys as friends and more about how she perceives things though. Anymore calls, just hang up! You don't need that......right Nixon? Solid, I will.