View Full Version : Not feeling myself ever..

01-23-2014, 06:53 AM
Woke up feeling anxious .. Realized I don't feel like myself at all. I am starting to even feel depressed. Ugh!! I wonder when and if I'm ever going to feel better. :(

01-23-2014, 09:32 AM
You will never get over the anxiety however you will feel better one day.. it sounds harsh but I have had anxiety for about 18 months now and had it very bad end of 2012 roght through out this last year well 2013 with me I always think I have an issue with my heart. It was so bad I did not want to wake up I stopped work my partner couldnt leave me I was not able to even look after my own son. I got some help by hypno and cbt which helped and I also think I just had to realise myself im fine but even to this day I still have my days where I get racing heart and I think I might die or I wake up thinking todays gonna be the day I go. Its awful but slowly you will get there time is really a great healer.

01-23-2014, 11:12 AM
Thank u for ur reply