View Full Version : Constant Nausea

02-20-2008, 04:06 AM
I am new to the idea of chatting on these forums, but having read through some of the discussions, thought I would give it a go.

I have been suffering from chronic anxiety for nearly a year now and have given up my job as I couldn't physically manage to get in each day. I have the normal symptoms associated with anxiety, rapid heart beat, sweats, etc but also am really struggling with nausea, my bowels are always one way or the other and I have really bad tension headaches.

I am seeing a councellor, and have seen a holistic therapist, who is very good, but nothing seems to help long term. I have practically lived at my doctors the last 12 months and am just so fed up feeling like this!! HELP!! :unsure:

02-20-2008, 06:42 AM
You will have to make a consious desicion to do something about the anxiety. It is a fight and it takes a lot of energy and some days are beter than other but you can get better. I advise you to get the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook from Edmund J Bourne. Start reading it for immediate relief. Then I think you should consider meds. I have been on Cipralex for 16 days and even though in the begining my anxiety was increased I am now starting to experience normal days again. I had the same problem as you with the digestive system and severe nausea. Which thank goodness has subsided. Let me know how you doing and feel free to chat some more.

02-22-2008, 05:27 PM
i agree, you have to do something about it. i am sure meds can help. some years ago i had digestive problems, very severe, with agstric pain and vomiting, and it all went away after only two weeks of 10mg of prozac! i am sure you can find a solution.

02-22-2008, 08:22 PM
Also if you aren't a big meds person than always try out other methods of dealing with anxiety. Everyone is different but you may find a method that works for you.

02-23-2008, 07:35 AM
Thank you for your suggestions. I am currently seeing a councellor and have seen a holistic therapist. I live on Kalms as I find they make me feel a bit less on edge. I have tried several meds from the doctor but have had bad reactions to most of them. I do take propranolol (beta-blockers) to help with my shaking and rapid heart beat.

Think it is just going to take me some time to get myself sorted. Thank you for your comments.