View Full Version : Hypnotherapy round 3!!

01-23-2014, 03:35 AM
I don't have much to report this week!! We spent half an hour of the session talking about some issues I have outside of anxiety... I've had a bit of a rough week so felt like I needed to get a lot off my chest. We did some hypnotherapy but it wasn't anything anxiety related this time. Next week I will get back to anxiety hypnotherapy and he is also going to help me get over my fear of flying!

Another form of therapy that I have heard of is Art Therapy. My boyfriends mum did this a few years ago and she said it really helped. They took her around a garden and at they had to take everything in and at the end of the session they had to draw how they felt from what they got from the garden. She showed me some of her work and she kept drawing trees and roots and seasons... you can tell alot of what she was feeling from her pictures!! I think I may give this a go. I'm not going to pay to have art therapy but I think once a week, I am going to walk around in nature and draw how I feel after!!

Anyone else heard of or done any art therpay?? Hope you're all okay!

01-23-2014, 06:14 AM
All I can draw are stick people!!!...:)

Have a great day Ashlee.


01-23-2014, 06:35 AM
I loved art therapy. 4 times I went, but those 4 times were surprisingly therapeutic seeing as I kinda thought it was a waste of time before going. Try it for sure ASH!

That's just so crazy Frankie, I don't even know what to say. We live a world now where you have to fill in paperwork, in order to do paperwork!!

01-23-2014, 09:21 AM
You don't have to be a good drawrer its about expressing your feelings in a different way... I just drew a picture of how I felt and I drew my face, with my eyes half closed with a black cloud about my head and fuzziness in the middle. Around my head I wrote all the words I was feeling.. Tired, exhausted, etc etc... Honestly Frankie.. I am speechless with that!

Thanks JD, I think I am defo going to ask my doctor about it! I've got an appointment next week!!