View Full Version : freaking out

01-23-2014, 03:22 AM
So today i've woke up & the left side of my face & scalp is really sensitive. I'm freaking out cause i have mould in my bedroom & i'm scared incase it has went into my brain!! My duvet was touching the mould which i never knew, and it was up near my face so i'm really worried about the mould going into my brain :(!!

01-23-2014, 04:01 AM
Honestly, it's nothing to worry about!! My boyfriend has mould near his windows and we found some on his duvet but it's really nothing to worry about!! Look at stinky cheese for example... thats got mould on it and people eat it! Mould is actually good for you in small doses! Trust me you are fine! It's just anxiety!! Hope you're okay now!

01-23-2014, 04:08 AM
Heya Idocherty93,

I don't think that's how mould works, I would be 100% sure that the mould you are talking about is absolutely harmless trust me on this. I believe you have woken up and your anxious mind has kicked in and the gears are working and you are re enacting a story about mould you heard somewhere and relating it to yourself. The sensitivity in your face is due to you symptom checking for anything to confirm this, I used to do this all the time I once convinced myself into an embarrassing doctors appointment with a check up for lung cancer cause someone told me the school I went to had asbestos. The moment I heard this story I started the same thing and was certain my lungs hurt every time I took a breath. I find its best to sit back take a deep breath and realise this is just a silly idea your mind is throwing at you and pass it off as a joke. Trust me you are 100% fine there is nothing wrong with your brain. Its just oversensitive to things it perceives as threats and goes into overtime at the drop of a coin.