View Full Version : Update on frequent urination and test results....still baffled!

01-22-2014, 11:56 PM
Good evening/ morning....

So..as some of you know I have been having some issues with going to the bathroom a lot and feeling like I have to go all the time.
I had a urine culture done- normal, I had a test done to check for bacteria and such in my female parts (sorry not sure how else to say that)- normal, and recently I had an U/S on my bladder and kidneys- normal. I am relieved that these tests all came back normal and all is well with these things, but the issue is still here.
It comes and goes...some days are better than others. Some days it is barely there, other days it is awful!! I am a little frustrated at this point because I still don't know what is causing this. It is hard to believe that anxiety could cause such a thing and for this long....it's crazy.

01-23-2014, 01:10 AM
I think it has to do with your nerves being on high alert all the time...and your body using excess adrenaline...I notice that when in particularly anxious..I always have to use the restroom.

01-23-2014, 01:23 AM
I think you are right ab123. I am always so aware of everything going on in my body. Every pain, sensation, emotion, thought.....I think this works against us. I know that I am always aware of the fact that I have to go to the bathroom...I mean all the time. A normal person's brain will alert them when they have to urinate, but because I have anxiety I am on alert 24/7. It is really driving me crazy.
Like I said, some days are better and I can cope with it, but days like today when it is constant, it drives me insane.
They gave me some meds to take that are supposed to help with it, but I looked up the side effects and now I don't want to take them. I would rather deal with peeing all the time.

01-23-2014, 03:29 AM
I had this for a while back. I would be peeing about 10 times an hour even just dribbles. I went to the doctors & got tested & everything came back normal. After my anxiety calmed down a bit it went away. It was just my anxiety & being on edge all the time that made me pee alot.

01-25-2014, 08:50 AM
Anxiety does cause such a thing. I've been there and had tests done which came out normal. It's worse when I feel anxious. However, being that I don't suffer from anxiety like I used to except during certain circumstances, my frequent urination has ceased.

01-25-2014, 10:15 AM
Did you ask about diabetes? Frequent urination is a symptom.

01-25-2014, 10:20 AM
It's most likely anxiety. Frequency to urinate is certainly a common symptom. Sure, it might not be happening to everyone on here but it's certainly a well known symptom. Try looking into reducing stress in your life, look into therapy for your anxiety, change your diet etc. Perhaps retake old hobbies or find new ones to keep yourself busy.


01-25-2014, 10:22 AM
Thank you Ed, your so level headed :)
They did check me for diabetes, all came back fine.

01-30-2014, 05:14 AM
Had the same thing recently. I was going a lot more then usual. I started keeping track and it got to the point I could go every 20 mins. Went to the doctor he said its my anxiety but I wouldn't listen. He did a full blood work up and urine test. All came back normal. Of course after that I am back to my normal urine schedule. Amazing how powerful our minds can be.

Good luck. I wish you health and happiness.

01-30-2014, 06:54 AM
I've had 2 samples taken to the Drs both normal? They are sending one off to the hospital now but I am still uncomfortable and really tender across my pelvis area and pubic area I'm sure I've a uti but they've told me to wait for results and see the dr in a weeks time? That seems so far away feeling so unwell, could this be all done to anxiety as to why I've got the symptoms as I'm really suffering. I wonder if the Drs are fobbing me off because they know about the anxiety? I've got terrible nausea too really bad that I can't face food at all:( I'm so scared that I'm getting worse and going back to how I have been as it has followed a pattern of symptoms like this:(