View Full Version : Ugh, GERD and anxiety!

01-22-2014, 07:53 PM
Tonight my GERD is flaring up. Chest pain, throat fullness, and jaw pain which all lead to anxiety of a heart attack! Why do I still have anxiety when I know what it is? I get so mad at myself for feeling this way. I wish there was magic pill to make all of it stop. It's going to be a long night. :(

01-22-2014, 08:41 PM
Hello, this may sound silly and perhaps you have tried it or maybe you take meds for your gerd. If you have apples in the house try that it just might get rid of your gerd. Also mint gum. Just thought I would let you know what works for me. Peace

Lee Grant Irons
01-22-2014, 08:49 PM
Hi Laura,

It sounds like you are saying that the GERD is a trigger for the anxiety, which suggests a fear in your mind that you are having a heart attack. I'm sure you have tried some things to break this cycle. But, just in case your question was not rhetorical, let me run through some ideas.

1. You can try to get your GERD under control. Have you seen a doctor about this?
2. You can go to a cardiologist and get screened for a heart condition to give yourself evidence that this is not the problem.
3. You can do things to control your stress response, such as doing something else to divert your attention, doing things to calm yourself (deep breathing or meditation), doing something that you enjoy, or exercising to burn off your stress hormones.

The key is to find something to help you break this anxiety cycle.

01-22-2014, 09:01 PM
Thanks Just me, but the apples don't work for me. I wish they did.

Lee Grant, I'm on medication for GERD, but it doesn't help all the time. I'm getting the scope next month for the second time. I've been cleared by a heart doctor, but it's still the first thing that pops in my head. I have been better about breathing and working through these episodes, but sometimes it's just hard to do. I'm feeling a little better now. It's just rough when I'm alone and feeling like this.

01-22-2014, 11:08 PM
Hi Laura, I suffer bouts with GERD too. I know too well how much physical crap it can put you through. Sounds like you know exactly what it is though since you've already had your heart cleared (which is great news, right?) So, I wouldn't advise chewing any food, especially at night. You will end up swallowing air and that can add to the pressure and discomfort in your chest. If the headboard of your bed isn't elevated, I'd suggest doing that so that gravity will keep the acid down while you sleep. Adding baking soda to cold water and drinking it can help to neutralize the acid as well. If you aren't on medication like a proton pump inhibitor, I'd suggest an OTC medication like Omeprazole taken twice a day. If that doesn't work, there are lots of other meds your doctor can recommend, some over-the-counter and some prescription. Also try eating small meals or snacks throughout the day and avoid stuff that triggers acid production like chocolate, sodas, acidic foods and beverages. It sucks, but be glad your heart has checked out ok. You have to start believing and accepting that. The anxiety will just make the acid production worse. I hope you feel better soon! You're not alone. Millions of folks deal with this same crap every day. Just gotta get it under control.

01-23-2014, 04:28 PM
Thanks JLBnole68! I'm feeling much better today.

01-23-2014, 10:03 PM
Awesome, Laura! Glad to hear good news. -Jeff

Lee Grant Irons
01-25-2014, 06:05 PM
Thanks JLBnole68! I'm feeling much better today.

That is great, Laura!