View Full Version : Are there "ideal" jobs for anxiety sufferers??

02-20-2008, 01:39 AM
Hi, I just joined the forums, so hello to you all!

I'm 22 and have horrible anxiety that has plagued me as far back as pre-school. This prevents me from having/keeping a job. I've only had 3 short-lived jobs so far, all part-time, all very difficult situations for me. The last one I kept for just 2 weeks and then quit because I couldn't take the anxiety anymore.

I do want a job in the sense that I need money and know that earning money will improve my self-esteem, and if it's even possible to make friends there or find that I'm good at a particular job or task I know that would be good for me too.

I have no college education, no training or knowledge in anything. I CANNOT deal with math or numbers, so being a cashier somewhere would be next to impossible to deal with. I'm not good with people, I get too nervous to talk or get my thoughts straight.

My biggest problem with working is that, since I have no real knowledge of how to do anything, everything is a big learning experience. When I'm anxious I FREAK out, can't concentrate, can't remember ANYTHING, can't focus on what I'm being told, so I literally cannot recall anything I was told to do 5 minutes ago. It's like my brain freezes. It makes it nearly impossible to be competent and learn what I'm supposed to do.

I don't know if there's any kind of job that is suitable for people with anxiety, but I thought I'd ask. I need something entry-level of course. Any ideas? I'd really appreciate getting some ideas, as I really NEED money.

02-20-2008, 12:51 PM
You have a dilemma that I have often considered - should you arrange your life around your anxiety, and go and get a job with zero responsibility and very little that could go wrong, or should you strive to conquer your anxiety in the knowledge that you're going ot have to face all the things that terrify you but that in the long term you might be able to have a job that you never thought you would before? Also, when i try to think of a job that would be totally anxiety free, its very hard - set up a little deli/cake shop? I'd be worrying that someone would get food poisoning. a care assistant in a nice old folks home? I'd worry that i'd accidentally kill one of the residents. shop assistant? someone might complain about me! Its impossible. probably better to try to learn some coping techniques in the jobs where you feel most capable and try to stay in the job long enough to get confident, which, as i seem to be learning, is at the very heart of anxiety.

02-20-2008, 11:18 PM
Why are you letting anxiety run your life? I'm not trying to be mean or anything.

I remember when I was suffering from anxiety I had the same problem. We as anxiety sufferers are always running from our fear. Yes, having anxiety attacks are uncomfortable but in order to overcome anxiety there are a few things you need to do. One of those things to stepping through the wall of anxiety and saying "No, I choose to NOT let anxiety run my life. I will live the life I want. I choose not to have anxiety."

People who have anxiety tend to always focus on the next big "attack" so we put all our focus and energy into that.

Here is a simple exercise you can try tomorrow. Instead of thinking about how you are going to live through another dreadful day living with anxiety, plan for a good day. Focus all your energy into planning a day that you are going to enjoy, that means doing something you enjoy. Than when you wake up in the morning don't think about anxiety! Say "I hope I have an anxiety attack to today!" and really believe in it, laugh about it. Seriously!! Have a detached attitude and do that the entire day. The entire day focus your energy into other things.

02-21-2008, 07:30 PM
hello there!!

I was going through exactly what you are going through.

I didnt know what exaclty i was going to do for a job/money, i was in a total slump...then one day i read in the paper about at an home medical traanscriptioist course. I thought what the heck, i should give it a try, and I did. I have never been so happy with my decision. I did however, promised myself that I would still try and get out in the public and try my hardest to overcome this anxiety.
I now feel great, although i am not anxiety free, i still feel good, and it did help my anxiety a lot. Knowing that i am doing this course, succeeding and loving it, made my anxiety better then it was!! it made me feel "I CAN DO THIS" and nothing is going to stop me!!!
the greatest thing about it is the options afterwards, is you can stay at home and work or you can work in a hospital or a doctors officer,which is what i plan to do when we have children and they start school:)

so dont let your anxiety get in your way of your life, i know you feel like it is right now, but it will get better.
i hope this helps you a bit:):)
p.s. I know the courses are available in canada and the states.!