View Full Version : Body shut down..

01-22-2014, 06:26 PM
It honestly feels like my body is shutting self down.. The smallest things.. Like getting a small headache, turns into a big deal.. My whole body suffers.. I could not be hungry then all of a sudden I'm starving and need to eat then and there or I feel nauseous and light headed, when I get tired I need to sleep right then otherwise my mind goes on auto pilot and keeps going.. No particular thoughts or anything.. Literally just flying.. I feel like if my body as a need I need to tend to it right then or it will clunk out... It's horrible! I don't get the hungry feeling.. Just starving.. I'm always tired but can't sleep and I'm getting more headaches which turn into migraines... This is just not on.. Any suggestions?

01-22-2014, 09:28 PM
Your body isn't shutting down, you hold off eating for too long then you get to the point where you're starving. Eat something even if you don't feel hungry, anxiety can really mess up your appetite, and make it difficult to eat, or even feel hungry for up to days (believe me I know). Just eat a piece of fruit, or veggies, something with not a lot of calories, just so you're not feeling faint, and you will probably soon be hungry for something more. Hunger is an enormous anxiety trigger btw. As for being tired and needing to sleep right then and there, well yeah, that's pretty normal for most people also. Sometimes when tiredness hits me and I can't go to bed right that moment, I will go into auto pilot too, and I can just keep going for hours after a point.. but, I believe that to be my body using up it's energy reserves, it's keeping me going as I can't get to sleep at the moment.. Just lay down to sleep when you get the chance later. you may have some trouble falling off right away, but you will if you lay still.

01-22-2014, 10:05 PM
Thanks apple x

01-22-2014, 10:41 PM
I agree. You're body isn't shitting down, it's just saying "feed me". Even though it feels like a shutdown. As apple said, just try eating a little throughout the day and I'll bet you'll see improvement.