View Full Version : Ugh.... First really bad day in a while

01-22-2014, 04:02 PM
I just had a terrible episode and need to share. I was at work nearing end of day. Must add that other than feeling like my bones ache have been having a pretty good week. Hadn't needed a Valium in about a week or so. I was at work and someone was in my office. I stood up to get something out of the cabinet and my head hurt really bad. I don't know what causes these headaches but they have been an issue ever since my surgery.. Roughly march of last year was when I started to be more active and really notice them. Anyway it was like a dizzy rush with headache and I was like wow... Made a comment about man do you ever get that and the guy in my office said I do if I get up too fast. He goes wow you're really red... And to be honest I was flaming hot. Anyway this whole thing spurred a panic attack. I have been cutting back on food and will admit that for me I had eaten very little and probably hadn't drank enough either. Anybody have any experience with postural type headaches?? I really don't know that these are an anxiety symptom but they definitely make my anxiety worse. The surgery I had last year was called the nuss procedure and they put three metal bars under my sternum that push my sternum out. As you can imagine that puts a lot of strain on all of my muscles in my thoracic region so I've naturally thought it might have to so with the pull on the muscles. The headache when it happens is very severe. I had an mri / mra of head and neck a couple of months ago and they said all was normal.... Should I be worried? The only meds I take are metoprolol for SVT and vitamin d and a prenatal daily...thanks for reading.


01-23-2014, 01:40 PM
Anybody have any insight?

01-23-2014, 02:01 PM
It sounds like head rush and/or a slight bit of dehydration. Do you ever feel like your head is full of water or that the floor is dropping before you?? It's nothing to worry about!! try taking some magnesium as this helps with anxiety… hope you feel better now! You may need a good nights sleep!!

01-23-2014, 02:43 PM
I get similar feelings. All my anxiety symptoms are mainly head related. Feeling wobbly, dizzy, fear that I'm going to pass out from it, floor wobbling, and feeling drunk!!!

01-23-2014, 04:44 PM
Thank you both for responding. As you can imagine it spurred another not great day today :). It's hard when things like that happen for me to get in touch with my rational half. It's like one irrational catastrophic thought after the next.

01-23-2014, 04:46 PM
Don't get yourself down for having a tough day… we all have them!! Just tell yourself.. tomorrow is a new day and i'm gonna kick anxiety in the butt :)

01-23-2014, 05:22 PM
I've had a similar week and yep it's hard to not then have bad days that follow but today I'm telling anxiety to get lost! I'm really trying to float through the constant head symptom I have and not let it trigger panic. Easier said than done.

Hang in there, don't even think about yesterday - today is today :)

01-23-2014, 08:15 PM
Thank you both :) very helpful words and advice from both of you and you're right Rhar - today is today. In the middle of these things it just feels so much like today is the last day.... You know what I mean :)

01-23-2014, 08:32 PM
my bones ache head hurt really bad Anyway this whole thing spurred a panic attack I have been cutting back on food and will admit that for me I had eaten very little and probably hadn't drank enough either. metoprolol for SVT and vitamin d and a prenatal daily...thanks for reading.


Definately malnutrition and dehydration (IMHO) because the baby is depleting your body of required nutrients to grow. And also, taking a high potentcy pre-natal vitamin with little food or water will cause effects like this all by themselves expecially if it has (niacin, B, and or even some iron) can do all of that. As far as the bone pains go, the baby may be robbing calcium from you, leaving you with of course, sore bones.

Gotta eat and drink fluids to help the baby grow and to help you maintain your own health while pregnant too SS!


01-23-2014, 08:34 PM
Hi E-man,

I am actually not pregnant... I just take the prenatal vitamin as I was told to continue doing so if we plan to have anymore. I just figure it can't hurt right?

01-23-2014, 08:36 PM
And I just started taking it again along with vitamin d as I was somewhat low on that (29). My face flushed hot A LOT today as well... I just really feel like there is some crazy stuff happening with my hormones.

01-23-2014, 08:47 PM
Yup..hormones do play a huge role in this as well.. Maybe check to see if that prenatal has niacin in it, it can cause "flushing" all by itself and hot flashes in certain people too. Also, B vitamins can do that as well and can cause nervousness (that's why they put this in energy drinks)....the nervousness makes people think that they're stimulated and alert.. LOL! :)

I think my Vit D was 22...I supplement that with 1000iu daily and also at the same time as a calcium supp too. They work together. And if there isnt enough calcium, the D will deplete it from somewhere to metabolise. Your bones/and the baby is drawing calcium from you too...There's the issue I suspect SS Mom!!... (take supps with food of course, I never take any vitamin supplements at all, without food and some water).. :D

Hope this helps you friend!


01-23-2014, 09:06 PM
oops! Pre-natal vitamins (strong, powerful, and usually scrip) but NO baby!!???...LOL!!

Yes, Just get some regular multi vitamins SS!..and eat too!!...:)

01-23-2014, 09:26 PM
Thank you both :) very helpful words and advice from both of you and you're right Rhar - today is today. In the middle of these things it just feels so much like today is the last day.... You know what I mean :)

I totally know what you mean. I felt like this this morning but I thought fark it I'm going out and if I die shopping for clothes at least I'll be happy ;) haha