View Full Version : What do you do to stay positive?

01-22-2014, 03:27 PM
To me Nostalgia really helps me deal with tough times with anxiety, be it movies, cartoon or going through photo's. Anything that reminds me of awesome things of the past help me take my mind of troubled thoughts.

I heard smiling in the mirror, dancing by yourself, and staying busy with complex hobbies such as model making or painting can help with staying in a good mood, and keep your mind of anxiety.

What are things you do to stay positive or just in a good mood that overwrites anxiety? I guess masturbation and sex count too :)

01-22-2014, 05:10 PM
I will do go back and look at old photos too (on Facebook), can't concentrate on much lately, mind is racing too much.. so tv and movies even MMA can't keep my attention.

Wish I could offer up some suggestions, but wanted to bump this up hoping others will chime in. I've been racking my 100mph brain for ways to keep busy when I can't exercise and I'm trapped inside home alone in the winter. Model making sounds like a decent idea.

01-22-2014, 06:17 PM
Have ever try you hand at pastel painting? It is time to start some diversion from anxiety, and pick up some new hobbies:))

01-22-2014, 06:28 PM
I do pole dancing..

01-22-2014, 08:06 PM
I'm not the best at being positive...but I'm working on it! I like to look at funny animal pictures and videos. Love animals so much! Also listening to good positive music helps a lot. Exercise is also good to boost endorphins in the brain... I need to exercise more.