View Full Version : Shaking Legs

02-19-2008, 03:09 PM
Hi i have suffered with gad for 6 years and have suddenly start suffering some really severe symptoms. Im not on constant meds but have been taking 5 mg of diazepan nearly ever other day the last month or so.
My problem is that i feel so weak and wobbly on my legs, when i stand up my legs go to jelly and when i try to walk i feel like they will give way, they will shake really bad and will be visablly trembling. I have had real bad health anxiety and i don't know if this is all linked to anxiety. Also if im lay at rest my legs feel really weak and sometimes feel numb, i get a heavy feeling in my arms and am usualy sweating a lot and i get some nasty vision sensations like seeing colours. I have had several panic attacks and have lost my appetite and usually feel quite nauseaus.
If anyone can relate please put a response and im at my wits end, i am so scared that i have something really wrong with me because my legs feel so weak shaky and wobbly.

02-19-2008, 05:55 PM

I am wondering, have you fallen or lost your balance while standing or anything? When I have a panic attack my legs usually tremor, but for me I usually feel really lightheaded and a little dizzy. After the Panic attack is over I feel lightheaded and dizzy for a few days afterwards. Your panic attacks - which it sounds like you've been having more of lately - could leave you with this feeling in your legs, especially if it is something that you can worry about. I have bad health related anxiety and I find that if I notice a symptom I end feeling it because I'm thinking about it. Since I've started worrying about my heart I am constantly getting chest pain and discomfort and I'm aware of my heartbeat, but I didn't have these problems before I started worrying about my heart. I also lose my appetite after having a panic attack; usually for a few days after the attack I can only eat fruits and vegetables and have to force myself to eat anything else. Nauseousness usually accompanies this feeling.

When you are standing, do your legs tremble constantly, or does this intensify when you feel panicked? are there any times during the day when these symptoms are more or less intense, or is it completely constant[/i]

02-19-2008, 07:12 PM
I second what lemmy is saying. I haven't had many panic attacks. But from the ones i did have, i remember not seeing very well during them. That seems to be a common symptom. As far as your legs trembling, I have felt that before when i've been anxious. But that was before my anxiety. So, I think that is very normal. Also, the more you concentrate on something, the more blown out of proportion it feels.

02-20-2008, 09:59 AM

I am wondering, have you fallen or lost your balance while standing or anything? When I have a panic attack my legs usually tremor, but for me I usually feel really lightheaded and a little dizzy. After the Panic attack is over I feel lightheaded and dizzy for a few days afterwards. Your panic attacks - which it sounds like you've been having more of lately - could leave you with this feeling in your legs, especially if it is something that you can worry about. I have bad health related anxiety and I find that if I notice a symptom I end feeling it because I'm thinking about it. Since I've started worrying about my heart I am constantly getting chest pain and discomfort and I'm aware of my heartbeat, but I didn't have these problems before I started worrying about my heart. I also lose my appetite after having a panic attack; usually for a few days after the attack I can only eat fruits and vegetables and have to force myself to eat anything else. Nauseousness usually accompanies this feeling.

When you are standing, do your legs tremble constantly, or does this intensify when you feel panicked? are there any times during the day when these symptoms are more or less intense, or is it completely constant[/i]

I would say that they are trembling pretty much constantly when i am stood up or bend my legs but only in certain positions when i am lay down, it almost feels that i am getting symptoms of panic attacks but constant even though i am not having a panic Attack. The trembling feels worse when i am standing on my legs and i have that weak jelly legs feeling when i try and walk, it feels like my 1 leg is longer than the other if that makes sense and i do feel very off balance but have never fell.
I have recently had a very nasty sinus infection so maybe some of these balance feelings could be associated to my ears i don't know.
All i do though is basically obsess with worry about my legs and am thinking about them constantly and have been frantically googleing symptoms for the last 2 weeks which probably makes me feel worse, i worry of having something seriously wrong with me. My subconcious must be going into overdrive. I have had many symptoms of anxiety in the past but these feelings in my legs are by far the worst feelings i have ever felt, its got to the point where i just feel like lying on the bed all day as i don't want to have to walk.

02-21-2008, 04:22 AM
I have had many symptoms of anxiety in the past but these feelings in my legs are by far the worst feelings i have ever felt, its got to the point where i just feel like lying on the bed all day as i don't want to have to walk.

I can definitely relate to that with the lightheadedness that I've been feeling in the last month. I've been to the doctors and they all think it's anxiety, but my lightheadedness is constant, even when I'm not feeling anxious. Have you been to the doctor for your leg symptoms?

I think it may be possible that it's related to the sinus infection or it could be a symptom of anxiety like my lightheadedness.

Are you having many other symptoms?

02-21-2008, 06:33 AM
I must have been to the docs 3-4 times in the last couple of weeks and the 2 docs i have both said it sounds like its related to anxiety but the sinus infection could have tampered some with my balance. He tested my legs and said they were fine but he took blood samples to check for thyroid problems anemia etc, will be getting these results in a few hours. Mainly the other symptoms i do get is sweating alot, the nausea and lack of appetite which has caused me to lose some weight, hot and cold sensations, flashes of colour in my vision and feeling detached and generally on edge. All which i have read can be associated to anxiety.
I can sympathise with you as i have these pretty constant even when im not feeling anxious, but i always remember my doc said once you don't need to feel anxious to have symptoms of anxiety.

02-21-2008, 11:16 PM
I have bad health related anxiety and I find that if I notice a symptom I end feeling it because I'm thinking about it. Since I've started worrying about my heart I am constantly getting chest pain and discomfort and I'm aware of my heartbeat, but I didn't have these problems before I started worrying about my heart. [/i]

I can relate to the health anxiety, especially worried about my heart. I'm always feeling heart palps and chest pains... but who knows... anxiety can pretty much cause any type of pain. Even the shaky legs, i get that after i've had a panic attack. Maybe not as bad as you describe but i get really shaky, almost like i just puked and i have the flu or something. Just really weak. Anxiety sucks it causes all this worrying and cripples us from enjoying everyday normal life. Be strong, see some doctors, get some opinions, if the bottom line is anxiety, fight it hard cuz it's tough.