View Full Version : Weird new symptom? :(

01-22-2014, 10:19 AM
I was driving to work and all of a sudden I was like imagine u went crazy and didn't know where u were and I looked around and was like imagine u didn't recognize this and than I started panicking as if I didn't know where I was even though I do know... It's so weird. I think I'm going crazy. Any on else feel like this? Also sometimes feel like I'm not here or floating almost ?? Help

01-22-2014, 10:24 AM
yeah i do feel like that. it is anxiety. you are not crazy and you are alive and real and yourself. COGNITO ERGO SUM. I THINK THATS WHY I AM. decartes used to say. if you think then you are alive and yourself. try to breath and blink eyes a couple of times, you will feel better.

01-22-2014, 10:49 AM
yeah i do feel like that. it is anxiety. you are not crazy and you are alive and real and yourself. COGNITO ERGO SUM. I THINK THATS WHY I AM. decartes used to say. if you think then you are alive and yourself. try to breath and blink eyes a couple of times, you will feel better.

Thank you !