View Full Version : Would like some advice on preventing infection.

Anxious Abi
01-22-2014, 08:52 AM
I know it's not a pleasant subject. It is a subject of which I feel a lot of shame and embarrassment. I haven't yet found one other person who goes through anything similar, but i'm hoping the advice i'm asking for is generic enough for someone to offer guidance, and also that you're all nice enough not to think i'm really gross.
I have an obsessive habit a bit like biting your nails when you're nervous I guess. Compulsive skin picking, anyway I frequently do this when I am stressed, over the past couple weeks I haven't being doing so well, and have ended up covered in open sores.
It's bad, worse than it's ever been and despite two showers every day, I think... I'm infected :|
Is there something I can do at home to help fight it, or do I need special cream from the Dr? I mean, I normally use Germaline? Something like that, but it doesn't seem to be working very well atm. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Anxious Abi
01-23-2014, 07:02 AM
Hey, thank you for your reply James Spiers. I convinced myself everybody thinks i'm totally gross and starting to think nobody would respond. I really appreciate you taking the time.
I have spoken to my CBTherapist about it, she suggested it is related to my low self esteem. I have been monitoring when I find myself doing it, also trying to find out the main triggers.
From what you have said it sounds like my constant showering isn't helping, I will look for the items you suggested at the Chemist.
Again, I really am thankful for your advice.

Anxious Abi
01-23-2014, 10:56 AM
Hey frankiecfc, thank you for the best wishes.
I know that people can be very understanding, although I forget it sometimes. It is just my way of thinking, assuming everybody see's it the same way I do, disgusting. Something i'm working on, making assumptions and generalizations, they are not good thinking patterns.
Hope you're doing well.

01-23-2014, 11:06 AM
Hey frankiecfc, thank you for the best wishes.
I know that people can be very understanding, although I forget it sometimes. It is just my way of thinking, assuming everybody see's it the same way I do, disgusting. Something i'm working on, making assumptions and generalizations, they are not good thinking patterns.
Hope you're doing well.
Abi you need to realize that everyone perception of gross, is different. Give people some credit, please:))
I hope you will overcome it, I had been there years ago....

01-23-2014, 11:15 AM
Ok thanks. Ah those pesky cognitive errors! I'm guilty of most. I've printed them off and put them up in the house to try remind myself of them. :)

I might do the same actually! I said to Abi on another thread, there's always one that seems to slip the net and get you isn't there ;)

Anxious Abi
01-23-2014, 12:28 PM
I realize that sometimes my perceptions are clouded by a lot of things, I also need to realize people aren't always the way I think they are. I hope to overcome it Dahila, I hope to overcome a lot of things.
Credit where it's due, i'm really thankful to James Spiers for his advice on preventing infection, and everyone for their support and giving me a different perspective.
I'm sorry for my generalizations.
I also agree printing it out would be a good idea, thanks frankiecfc.

01-25-2014, 08:46 AM
Buy a big bag of cotton balls and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Anytime you touch your face or sores, even on accident, be sure to dab some peroxide on it.
If your sores are really, really bad...I'd suggest covering them while you're out with antibiotic cream and a bandage. Let the sores air out when you're home.

Anxious Abi
01-26-2014, 03:48 AM
Thank you janey, really good advice.
Much appreciated.

08-06-2015, 08:25 PM
I pick my skin constantly! I use bandaids to cover up areas to keep myself from picking.