View Full Version : Heating system failed.....my anxiety is being tested

01-22-2014, 08:04 AM
So I woke up this morning and my heating system failed. It is about negative five degrees this morning with a fresh bunch of snow outside from our storm yesterday. Ugh. .....

I finally got in touch with the service people who should be here this morning but im hoping its just a quick fix otherwise I will have to pack up the kids and head to the nearest hotel.

Sigh.....feeling stressed out.

01-22-2014, 09:00 AM
Oh you poor thing and more so with the children to,hope it gets fixed fast
Let us know how you get on Hun

01-22-2014, 01:04 PM
So, it turns out that its major issues with my heat pump and my internal heating unit...and it can't be fixed today. Figures!! Lol. They haven't called me back yet either. I decided to go out and buy the biggest darn space heater I could find.

01-22-2014, 01:12 PM
So, it turns out that its major issues with my heat pump and my internal heating unit...and it can't be fixed today. Figures!! Lol. They haven't called me back yet either. I decided to go out and buy the biggest darn space heater I could find.

Omg that's so bad,I would phone them back and say how can I keep my childern warm

01-22-2014, 01:28 PM
OMG I hate heat pumps...So sorry Trin! I hope it gets resolved for you asap!!...

Insurance should cover your room(s) if you have to leave the home..Call your ins company and see if they reimburse you..


01-22-2014, 03:42 PM
OMG I hate heat pumps...So sorry Trin! I hope it gets resolved for you asap!!...

Insurance should cover your room(s) if you have to leave the home..Call your ins company and see if they reimburse you..


Yes, they most likely will....my husband seems to think this will be addressed tomorrow. ...actually...it turns out to be 3-5 days. Lol.