View Full Version : Horrible no good very bad night

01-21-2014, 06:19 PM
I am absolutely freaking out tonight. I can't get my breathing under control, I can't stop crying and I feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out every second. I took my ativan but it's barely taken the edge off.

The worst part is I'm in Philly....where there's 8 inches of snow coming down and it's not stopping for another 12 hours....so I'm stuck in my apartment alone for at least the night with no way for anyone to come get to me.

I hate nights like tonight. Cry, shake, repeat.

01-21-2014, 06:23 PM
One thing that should give you comfort is that you wouldn't be able to come to this forum and post if all of that as going on and you were in danger. You are fine. Your body is pouring adrenaline into itself which is causing all of this to happen
To you. Think about how angry it makes you to feel that way and use that anger yo get up... stand up and walk around. Go clean something. Keep moving. Use that adrenaline. You will Be okay!

01-21-2014, 06:27 PM
I seem to be having a rough night too..... And am fighting off the crying...... You'll be ok. You're just going through a rut ya know? It's snowing and you know you can't leave so that's gonna bother you. I've been there I get it. Turn on the tv anything. Message me if you'd like some company lol. Even though you get snow and I don't! :/ everything's going to be ok. You have to really believe that. :)

01-21-2014, 06:34 PM
I am absolutely freaking out tonight. I can't get my breathing under control, I can't stop crying and I feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out every second. I took my ativan but it's barely taken the edge off. The worst part is I'm in Philly....where there's 8 inches of snow coming down and it's not stopping for another 12 hours....so I'm stuck in my apartment alone for at least the night with no way for anyone to come get to me. I hate nights like tonight. Cry, shake, repeat.

How sick of snow are you already?

I'm your neighbor just to the south and it just won't stop

Even though you feel like you will throw up and pass out, you won't

You've seen this movie before and know that it ends well

01-21-2014, 06:59 PM
This snow just won't quit and I get on edge because of the trapped feeling. I think it puts a lot of people on edge. I'm in Illinois and we got another big storm last night. Try to maybe take the time to read a good book / magazine or catch up on some of your favorite shows?

01-21-2014, 07:14 PM
Yes sorry to hear of the tough night. Like Nixon says you know how this movie ends. Get some of that energy out, just clench your arms as tight as you can make a fist and yell or think STOP when the feelings of energy are powerful. After you tense all your muscles and then release them just let your arms drop and stand straight and feel the tension dripping out. Repeat I sure hope this helps, it's a technique I use, and it's very effective, but you need to do it often at first. Peace to you.

01-21-2014, 07:14 PM
That's the exact reason why I freak out....being stuck here alone.

I always worry that if i passes out or got really sick no one would find me for days :(

I keep trying to remind myself that that is very improbable....but my anxiety always says "but not impossible." :(

01-21-2014, 07:16 PM
You've seen this movie before and know that it ends well love this!

01-21-2014, 07:17 PM
Yes sorry to hear of the tough night. Like Nixon says you know how this movie ends. Get some of that energy out, just clench your arms as tight as you can make a fist and yell or think STOP when the feelings of energy are powerful. After you tense all your muscles and then release them just let your arms drop and stand straight and feel the tension dripping out. Repeat I sure hope this helps, it's a technique I use, and it's very effective, but you need to do it often at first. Peace to you.sometimes I think I need to invest in a punching bag or something. I had a therapist recommend taking up boxing...she said I'm too nice and need to learn to let out the aggression sometimes!

01-21-2014, 07:19 PM
Exactly and I guess maybe what you can ask yourself is how many times have you thought or felt that way before? I think it can be a major anxiety cause. As hard as it can be, you should try to distract yourself with something and then see if you feel better after maybe 20 minutes or so of engaging in some thought provoking activity.

01-21-2014, 07:22 PM
Exactly and I guess maybe what you can ask yourself is how many times have you thought or felt that way before? I think it can be a major anxiety cause. As hard as it can be, you should try to distract yourself with something and then see if you feel better after maybe 20 minutes or so of engaging in some thought provoking activity.living alone can be great....unless you have a massive panic attack