View Full Version : Sexual Side effects??

02-19-2008, 09:28 AM
I am just curious if other's out there have suffered sexual side effects from taking anti-depression/anti anxitiey meds?

What were your side effects? What did you do to help them?

Recently I noticed after being on ciprolex for a couple months, that I experience dryness...and that my sex drive isn't quite as strong as it used to be. So, I talked to my husband...and off we went to the sex store. I bought some great lube and a vibrator. At first hubby was wary...thinking he would be replaced by the vibrator, or that he wasn't doing his job. After some long coversations...I finally got it through to him, that it was nothing he was doing wrong. It was the medication...and that I just needed extra stimulation, and lube for dryness. So far..things are going great. I have a course in sex counselling...so I was luck enough to recognize the problem and figure out a solution that worked for both me and my partner.

So if you are having problems...perhaps I can offer some advice... don't be shy. Sexual side effects are so common, yet people are to embarassed to bring it up to their doctor. Don't suffer...there are ways to work around it :)