View Full Version : Started 20mg of Prozac last week

01-21-2014, 01:49 PM
My EKG and blood tests came back normal but I still feel like absolute crap since last week. Doctor prescribed me 20mg of Prozac to take daily and a couple days after I started getting really bad nausea. It's not the kind of nausea where I feel like puking but it's just a weird uncomfortable feeling that shows up off and on throughout the day. It makes me even more anxious and I feel like I'm going to drop dead. I also feel like I can't get hungry anymore. Like I can eat but I can't tell if I'm hungry or not because of my stomach. Are these side effects of the prozac or my anxiety? Ugh.

01-21-2014, 01:55 PM
My EKG and blood tests came back normal but I still feel like absolute crap since last week. Doctor prescribed me 20mg of Prozac to take daily and a couple days after I started getting really bad nausea. It's not the kind of nausea where I feel like puking but it's just a weird uncomfortable feeling that shows up off and on throughout the day. It makes me even more anxious and I feel like I'm going to drop dead. I also feel like I can't get hungry anymore. Like I can eat but I can't tell if I'm hungry or not because of my stomach. Are these side effects of the prozac or my anxiety? Ugh.

Hi ya with all these meds they take quite a few weeks to kick in between 8/12 my doctor said
What your having is perfectly normal it will all settle down

01-21-2014, 03:08 PM
Hi, there are always common side effects with medication . I also started on Prozac last week 20mg per day. My doctor told me i could have headaches and heartburn, i was slightly worried as i have heartburn anyway. She also said that if i did get one of those side effects to try and carry on for a couple of weeks as the effects would go. I was really scared to take them and worried that i would have some strange rare side effect from them. Anyway ive not had any headaches and i do have slight heartburn every now and then. If you are really worried maybe get in touch with your doctor and ask .

01-21-2014, 09:41 PM
Hi reiewer :) I took Prozac for 13 years. Like you I started on 20mg a day. What you describes is exactly how I felt when I started taking it. I never puked but I had this terrible kind of blaarg

nausea that would come and go. It's completely normal and my doctor told me that it's very common. I also felt just all over crappy, hard to explain but I'm guessing you know what I mean. It will

go away, it did for me and I found prozac to be a great help when I was taking it. Best of luck :)