View Full Version : If self esteem gets to high call mom and dad.

01-21-2014, 08:57 AM
Have y'all experienced this? I mean am I the only one who can be so vulnerable to parents?


01-21-2014, 03:10 PM
No matter how old you are your parents will always be able to push that button that causes self doubt, whether it be intentional or unintentional. Mine still do it and I'm 48 years old. Just try to let it slide off your back and remember you will be the one who decides what nursing home they will be put in. LOL. I actually told my Dad that a few years back when he was riding my back about something he did not think I was doing right, he was not a happy camper when I told him that, but it did get him to ease up on me.

Sometimes parents unknowingly do harm to their children, personally I know I was not the favored child, my brother the "golden" child who could do no wrong was the chosen one. I had rules he had none. It happens. He was popular, smart, talented, athletic, good looking and the father of their Grandchildren, all the things I was not and am not...........sometimes I think they forget I'm part of the family but such is life carry on and try not to think about it.

01-21-2014, 05:21 PM
Yep always my mom :) told her about my therapist appointment and she said she deals with crazy people all the time blah blah. Just shrug it off. LOL gotta love the folks though!! I just try not to talk to them TOO much ;)

01-21-2014, 05:35 PM
I would and still occasionally talk to my mom about it ("mom" means "mum" to any UKers in da house)

She had it as well. But only mildly

I wanted to take my anxiety to the next level