View Full Version : Went off the deep end

01-21-2014, 08:51 AM
Last week or the week before I vented here was having a bit of a rough start to the new year..... I think I may have gone off deep end during my rant/vent. Anyway I have got myself pulled back together and ready to face another year. I finally got myself back in the gym after a 5 week absence, due to an injury...to me working out is therapy, its the one thing I can control and change and can see results of my efforts.

Peace like river.

01-21-2014, 09:00 AM
Welcome back. Sounds great you're back at the gym too. We all go off from time to time. Enjoy the ride, laugh and workout.

01-21-2014, 09:07 AM
We all need to vent at times. It's healthy to get it all out. If you feel better, then good. Awesome that you're back in the gym. Remember, it's not always how we start, but how we finish :)