View Full Version : Hey in need of some advice

01-21-2014, 03:45 AM
I'm new to this but have been diagnosed with GAD for the last 6 years

I've had some bad issues with my anxiety over the last few
Weeks can't leave the house or go to work. Is there anythin I can do my meds don't seem to be helping


01-21-2014, 03:50 AM
Hi Chellebooka,

I'm brand new to this forum. I haven't been suffering for nearly as long as you, just a year, but I've been in a pretty similar place recently. It might sound crazy but what really helped me when I was at my worst was playing computer games! My husband felt like he couldn't do anything to help so be bought me a couple of games and asked me to give it a go and sure enough having something to distract myself, even just for a few minutes at a time, made a difference.

Hope this helps a little.

01-21-2014, 03:54 AM
That's very true for me too. I haven't been doing it so much lately as my depression leaves me just vegging in bed, but when my anxiety got really bad I would literally spend hours on my xbox distracting myself, it actually works really well :)

01-21-2014, 04:04 AM

I do play a few games on my phone that help

I think as it plays on my depression it makes it more difficult to enjoy things not sure if anyone else has the same thing but the littlest things seem like a monster task

At the mo just getting up is a task.
My psych doc has left and I'm due a new one which I struggle with as I feel that they don't believe me when I have these days.

I just don't want to do this alone as It is really hard for me. X

01-21-2014, 04:04 AM
Hello Guys,

New to the site :) been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks a year now.

I find distracting myself helps too i was off work for 3 weeks due to starting meds and returned today..... I must say coming back has helped 100%

Feel a little normal and smiling again. Am having a few moments but nothing i cant handle.... x

01-21-2014, 04:35 AM

I know what you mean, sometimes it can be hard to remember what it was like to actually enjoy yourself; but I think knowing that others have felt that way and have gotten through it helps. One of my favourite things in the world used to be going to gigs, I loved music and even followed a band through three countries, but now the idea of going to one makes me feel sick. As far as I can tell it's normal when you're in this place to feel like you've lost yourself but it's only a temporary feeling and relapses are all a part of trying to get better.

One thing that I've been telling myself which has kind of help is that the anxiety actually comes from a place of good. In the past it would have been a way for our bodies to keep us safe when we were in danger, but that kind of reaction just doesn't work in a modern world; our 'dangers' generally don't need us to fight or run.

Anxiety can make you feel really isolated but I promise you're not alone.


01-21-2014, 04:54 AM
Yes TG85 i agree, you should try reading positive stories on peoples anxiety because as we all now we are drawn towards the negative ones at the moment, this is no good for us as we are doing something about it as we are all on this site :)

Just go book to go to see a gig and force yourself to go because nothing bad is going to happen and once you have been and got home you'll know this. I know this is hard as i have been to same the past 2 weeks about coming back to work, and now im here Ive done it and im not dead or passed out :)


01-21-2014, 04:59 AM
Also would just like to say that i have been going to group meeting every week and talking to people has helped me 100%, but most of all i have started jogging and OMG the difference in me was just unrealistic. I have never done any kind of exercise in my life but went for a little run for 10 mins on sunday as i was dying by this time lol and you automatically feel that little bit brighter its just amazing what it does. probably wont work for every one but honestly give it a try :)

01-21-2014, 05:08 AM
I do need to exercise however my anxiety also comes from my excess sweating so it stops me

However I have just got an app for yoga I will try today suppose 10 mins a day and gradually increasing is a start.

Thank u so much for your advice x

01-23-2014, 02:21 AM
Yeah that's a awkward one......

Also there's an app called Head Space which i find rather helpful too....... They told me to do this in my meetings but couldn't understand it, but this app talks you thru.

How are you feeling today?

01-23-2014, 02:55 AM
Hey thanks I'll try that one

I'm ok today thank u ticking by . Got an agency interview so feeling a bit anxious but guess that goes with the territory .

I managed to do some things yesterday and I am actually going to venture out the house today haven't been out for two weeks. I get agoraphobic as well which isn't fun .

I've started 10 mins yoga which is good and I finally realised that keeping active physically during the day puts u to sleep 10 times better than zopiclone .

Thank u for your kind words
Here goes xx

01-23-2014, 03:16 AM
I tried yoga just wasn't for me lol

Yeah you will be fine as soon as your out just keep telling yourself your ok and nothing bad is going to happen.

They gave me those zopiclone but i didnt take them how are you on those?


01-23-2014, 03:54 AM
I'm not bad but I do feel poo the next morning groggy . Zoppy's just chill u out don't put u to sleep. It depend on the individual I've been having them on and off for 8 years. They help initially but then don't wrk as your body becomes reliant on them. I have an addictive personality so can get used to them too easy .

My advice have them when u r really really desperate to sleep. However if u work it's difficult to pull yourself together in the morning . Don't take more than the doc says . I did that once had 2x 7.5 and I was sooo I'll the next day and they didn't even work. Felt the same as 7.5.

Thanks for your kind words.
See how u go x

01-23-2014, 04:52 AM
Yes i have an addictive personality too and i am getting better with falling to sleep so might just carry on without them........


01-23-2014, 07:39 AM
As long as u can sleep possibly best. Nothing worse than coming off them and starting again not being able to sleep.

I like to have a hot bath with lavender oil before bed. Just got into aromatherapy and it seems to help . X